Browsing Brage NIH by Title
Now showing items 317-336 of 3730
Betydningen av hematologiske og muskulære tilpasninger til utholdenhetstrening for maksimalt oksygenopptak: En 10-ukers treningsintervensjon på tidligere utrente personer
(Master thesis, 2018)Introduksjon: Det er fortsatt omdiskutert hvorvidt det maksimale oksygenopptaket (V̇O2maks) utelukkende begrenses av sentrale- (hjertets pumpekapasitet og blodvolum; BV) eller en kombinasjon av sentrale- og perifere faktorer ... -
Betydningen av sosial klasse for elevers motivasjon for og karakterer i kroppsøving: En kvantitativ studie av 854 ungdommer i Norge
(Master thesis, 2013)Sosial klasse som begrep har gjennom historien utviklet seg til å bli mer komplekst og uklart enn det Karl Marx (1818-1883) og etterhvert Max Weber (1864-1920) først antok. Denne studien har sett på sosial klasse og dens ... -
Betydningen av utøver-trenerforholdet i gode og dårlige sesonger for elitelangrennsløperes motivasjon: et selvbestemmelsesteoretisk perspektiv
(Master thesis, 2010)For å komme på et høyt prestasjonsnivå i eliteidrett er det nødvendig med hardt og målrettet treningsarbeid over flere år (Rusko, 2003). I eliteutøveres kontekst finnes det i tillegg mange ytre faktorer utøverne må ... -
Beyond life-skills: Talented athletes, existential learning and (un)learning the life of an athlete
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Following developments in educational discourse more broadly, learning discourses in youth sport have been shaped by outcome-based and instrumental goals of developing useful life-skills for ‘successful’ lives. There is, ... -
Beyond planning: the implementation of a worksite health promotional scheme
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-05)The aim of this article is to provide insight into how the presence of diverging organizational logics influences the outcome of worksite health promotion projects. The study is based on a one-year qualitative single-case ... -
Bicycling in the right direction? : Two systematic literature reviews with meta-analyses of cycling and cardiovascular disease, followed by national correlates of commuter cycling and the presentation of a novel bike tra c index to describe trends in cycling over the years.
(Doctoral thesis, 2021)Background: The world population needs to be more physically active. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the leading causes of death and can be prevented by physical activity. Cycling as transportation may be a means ... -
Bicycling to school improves the cardiometabolic risk factor profile: a randomised controlled trial
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-10-31)Objectives To investigate whether bicycling to school improves cardiometabolic risk factor profile and cardiorespiratory fitness among children. Design Prospective, blinded, randomised controlled trial. Setting Single ... -
The bidirectional associations between leisure time physical activity change and body mass index gain. The Tromsø Study 1974–2016
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Objectives To examine whether leisure time physical activity changes predict subsequent body mass index (BMI) changes, and conversely, whether BMI changes predict subsequent leisure time physical activity changes. Methods: ... -
Biological treatment of the knee with platelet-rich plasma or bone marrow aspirate concentrates
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-08-23)Knee pathologies including focal cartilage injuries, osteoarthritis (OA), and ligament injuries are common. The poor regeneration and healing potential of cartilage has led to the search for other treatment modalities with ... -
Biomechanical analysis of defensive cutting actions during game situations: six cases in collegiate soccer competitions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-07-10)The strengths of interpersonal dyads formed by the attacker and defender in one-on-one situations are crucial for performance in team ball sports such as soccer. The purpose of this study was to analyze the kinematics of ... -
A biomechanical analysis of how rider behavior and equivalent fall height affect landing stability in World Cup Big air in freeski and snowboard.
(Master thesis, 2023)Purpose: This study aimed to examine the impact of equivalent fall height (EFH) and rider behavior on landing stability among snowboard and freeski World Cup athletes participating in a Big air event. Furthermore, the study ... -
A biomechanical analysis of how rider behavior and equivalent fall height affect landing stability in World Cup Slopestyle for freeski and snowboard
(Master thesis, 2022)Purpose: The purpose of this project was to investigate different rider behavioral factors along with Equivalent Fall Height (EFH), to see how they affected landing stability for World Cup Slopestyle athletes on freeski ... -
Biomechanical and neuromuscular performance requirements of horizontal deceleration: A review with implications for random intermittent multi-directional sports
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Rapid horizontal accelerations and decelerations are crucial events enabling the changes of velocity and direction integral to sports involving random intermittent multi-directional movements. However, relative to horizontal ... -
Biomechanical Comparison of Screw Fixation Versus a Cortical Button and Self-tensioning Suture for the Latarjet Procedure
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background: Metal screws are traditionally used to fix the coracoid process to the glenoid. Despite stable fixation, metal screws have been associated with hardware complications. Therefore, some studies have advocated for ... -
A biomechanical report of an acute lateral ankle sprain during a handball-specific cutting movement
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Biomechanical measurements of accidental ankle sprain injuries are rare but make important contributions to a more detailed understanding of the injury mechanism. In this case study, we present the kinematics and kinetics ... -
A biomechanical study on the effect of bouncing in front squats
(Master thesis, 2020)The purpose of this study was to compare performance, and biomechanics between a dynamic front squat, and a paused front squat variation. Specifically, we investigated how removing the bounce affected the execution of the ... -
Biomechanics of supination ankle sprain : a case report of an accidental injury event in the laboratory
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2009-02-02)Ankle sprain is the most common injury in sports,5 but the mechanism of injury is not clear. Injury mechanisms can be studied through many different approaches.9 Over the years, ankle kinematics has been studied during ... -
Biomedisinsk teknologi i idrett: hvor går grensene?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-06)I denne artikkelen drøfter jeg bruk av biomedisinsk teknologi i prestasjonsfremmende hensikt i konkurranseidrett. Mer presist utforsker jeg mulighetene for å skille mellom etisk akseptabel og etisk uakseptabel bruk. Jeg ... -
"Birkebeinerkultur" i næringslivet: Hvordan opplever ansatte i en høyprofilert kunnskapsbedrift "birkebeinerkulturen"?
(Master thesis, 2013)Denne studien undersøker hvordan åtte ansatte i en høyprofilert kunnskapsbedrift opplever ”birkebeinerkulturens” stadig økende popularitet i næringslivet. Den tar også opp hvilke signaler finanspressens medierte framstilling ... -
Birth complications, overweight, and physical inactivity
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009-05)Objective. Maternal lifestyle factors are potential predictors of pregnancy complications. We examined relations between modifiable factors and delivery complications. Design. Prospective cohort. Setting. University ...