Browsing Brage NIH by Title
Now showing items 3078-3097 of 3538
Tai Chi for chronic illness management: Synthesizing current evidence from meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)An umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) was conducted to evaluate the existing evidence of Tai Chi as a mind-body exercise for chronic illness management. MEDLINE/PubMed ... -
Taking ski tracks to the north: the invention and reinvention of Norwegian polar skiing: sportisation, manliness and national identities
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-03-05)Norwegian explorers have for more than a century made a strong presence in the polar areas. One of their distinctions was their dedicated use of skis. This article examines the Norwegian affection for skiing in the polar ... -
Taking stock of sport management research in the new millenia: Research contributions, worthwhile knowledge, and the field’s raison d’être
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Research question: In this paper, we analyse the variety and distribution of ways that authors frame their research contributions in published sport management articles, thereby providing a base from which to reflect on ... -
Taktiske forberedelser i profesjonell fotball: En case-studie av Bodø/Glimt sesongen 2020
(Master thesis, 2021)Hensikten med denne masteroppgaven var å undersøke hvordan profesjonelle fotballag forbereder seg taktisk til kamp gjennom en normal treningsuke i sesong, da dette er et tema det er gjort lite forskning på tidligere. ... -
Talent development in a longitudinal perspective: Elite female handball players within a sport school system
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The purpose of the present longitudinal study was to explore the psychological and physical transition into (and subsequent 3 years in) a Sport Academy High School of 10 young female handball players. Psychological (coping ... -
Talentutvikling i juniorlangrenn for herrer : en treårig analyse av treningsutviklingen til en mannlig juniorløper i langrenn, sett i lys av; signifikante andres betydning, motivasjonelle faktorer og rammevilkår for langrennssatsing
(Master thesis, 2008)Hensikten med denne analysen har vært å undersøke treningsutviklingen til en av Norges beste mannlige juniorløpere i langrenn, sett i lys av signifikante andres betydning, motivasjonelle forhold og rammebetingelser. Jeg ... -
Talking doping: a frame analysis of communication about doping among talented, young, Norwegian road cyclists
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-07-08)In everyday communication, participants can critically explore their understanding of morally complex phenomena. There has been little effort within the social sciences to provide insight into whether and how athletes ... -
Targeting and tailoring an intervention for adolescents with overweight: some ethical concerns
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-04-08)There are important ethical issues to be examined before launching any public health intervention, particularly when targeting vulnerable groups. The aim of this article is to identify and discuss ethical concerns that may ... -
Targeting change in physical activity and screen time behaviours within the HEalth In Adolescents (HEIA) intervention study: A mediating framework approach
(Doctoral thesis, 2013)During the 1990’s and early 2000’s there has been an increase in prevalence of overweight (including obesity) in European children and adolescents. This is a public health challenge as overweight and obesity are associated ... -
Targeting physical activity in a low socioeconomic status population: observations from the Norwegian "Romsas in Motion" study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2008-10-16)Objective: To summarise the main results of a community-based study on physical activity promotion — "Romsås in Motion". Methods: The study assessed changes in physical activity, body mass and psychosocial mediators ... -
Tatt av snøskred: kjennetegn, opplevelser og erfaringer
(Master thesis, 2014)Det har skjedd en endring i hvordan frikjørere ferdes i vinterfjellet de siste 10 – 15 årene. Det har tidligere vært en tydeligere tradisjon å gå på homogen vårsnø, kontra lagdelt vintersnø. I nyere tid har frikjørere ... -
Teaching and understanding "need supportive" coaching: Developing and implementing a coach development program
(Doctoral thesis, 2019)The aim of the thesis was to contribute to an understanding as to how to increase coach knowledge to enhance athletes' experiences from sports. The primary aim of the study was to understand how to create a coach development ... -
Teaching efficacy of undergraduate PE students; what are the key predictors and what can PE educators learn from this?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Introduction: Teaching efficacy describes the belief in a teacher's ability to promote learning and this belief is an invaluable asset for all teachers. This study examined the contextual influences that predict the teaching ... -
Teaching health in physical education: An action research project
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In the Norwegian curriculum for physical education (PE), health is one of several topics students should learn about. However, the way in which many educators conceptualize health can impact both what students learn and ... -
Technique analysis in elite athletes using principal component analysis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The aim of this study was to advance current movement analysis methodology to enable a technique analysis in sports facilitating (1) concurrent comparison of the techniques between several athletes; (2) identification of ... -
Tegning og didaktiske praksiser i kunst og håndverk
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Artikkelen setter søkelys på hvordan lærere operasjonaliserer tegning i faget kunst og håndverk i ungdomsskolen, og hvilke tegnetilnærminger og metoder de knytter til kompetansemålene i læreplanen Kunnskapsløftet 2006. ... -
Telemark Skiing: The ultimate Norwegian sport and a class phenomenon
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)In this paper, we scrutinise telemark skiing with regard to gender, social class and other sociological variables. In so doing, our methodological approach involves applying Bourdieu’s framework to analyse the surveys – ... -
Temporal links to performing under pressure in international soccer penalty shootouts
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2009-11)Objectives: This study examined the temporal characteristics of performing under pressure in a high-stakes real-world sport situation. Design: Behavior observation analyses were conducted of televised soccer games. Methods: ... -
The Temporal Ordering of Motivation and Self-Control: A Cross-Lagged Effects Model
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Mechanisms leading to cognitive energy depletion in performance settings such as high-level sports highlight likely associations between individuals’ self-control capacity and their motivation. Investigating the temporal ... -
The temporal pattern and the probability distribution of visual cueing can alter the structure of stride-to-stride variability
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The structure of the stride-to-stride time intervals during paced walking can be altered by the temporal pattern of the pacing cues, however, it is unknown if an altered probability distribution of these cues could also ...