Blar i Brage NIH på forfatter "Farooq, Abdulaziz"
Age, player position and 2 min suspensions were associated with match injuries during the 2017 Men's Handball World Championship (France)
Tabben, Montassar; Landreau, Philippe; Chamari, Karim; Juin, Gerard; Ahmed, Hosny; Farooq, Abdulaziz; Bahr, Roald; Popovic, Nebojsa (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Aim: To study the association between player characteristics, technical components of the game and the risk of match injuries during the 2017 Men’s Handball World Championship. Methods: Team physicians of the participating ... -
Association of skeletal maturity and injury risk in elite youth soccer players: A 4-season prospective study with survival analysis
Materne, Olivier; Chamari, Karim; Farooq, Abdulaziz; Weir, Adam; Hölmich, Per; Bahr, Roald; Greig, Matt; McNaughton, Lars R. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background: The association between injury risk and skeletal maturity in youth soccer has received little attention. Purpose: To prospectively investigate injury patterns and incidence in relation to skeletal maturity ... -
Between-limb symmetry in ACL and tibiofemoral contact forces in athletes after ACL reconstruction and clearance for return to sport
Kotsifaki, Argyro; Van Rossom, Sam; Whiteley, Rod; Korakakis, Vasileios; Bahr, Roald; D’Hooghe, Pieter; Papakostas, Emmanuel; Sideris, Vasileios; Farooq, Abdulaziz; Jonkers, Ilse (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background: Current return-to-sport (RTS) criteria after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction (ACLR) include demonstrating symmetry in functional and strength tests. It remains unknown if at the time that athletes ... -
Early versus delayed lengthening exercises for acute hamstring injury in male athletes: A randomised controlled clinical trial
Vermeulen, Robin; Whiteley, Rod; van der Made, Anne D.; van Dyk, Nicol; Almusa, Emad; Geertsema, Celeste; Targett, Stephen; Farooq, Abdulaziz; Bahr, Roald; Tol, Johannes L.; Wangensteen, Arnlaug (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background: To evaluate the efficacy of early versus delayed introduction of lengthening (ie, eccentric strengthening) exercises in addition to an established rehabilitation programme on return to sport duration for acute ... -
Fractures in professional footballers: 7-years data from 106 team seasons in the Middle East
Ngai, Aston Seng Huey; Beasley, Ian; Materne, Olivier; Farooq, Abdulaziz; Tabben, Montassar; Chebbi, Souhail; Ellouze, Zied; Arnáiz, Javier; Alkhelaifi, Khalid; Bahr, Roald; Chamari, Karim (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Epidemiological studies on fractures in European professional football (soccer) are in abundance. However, such data are lacking in Middle Eastern professional footballers and information on fracture treatment is scarce. ... -
Hamstring and ankle flexibility deficits are weak risk factors for hamstring injury in professional soccer players: A prospective cohort study of 438 players including 78 injuries
van Dyk, Nicol; Farooq, Abdulaziz; Bahr, Roald; Witvrouw, Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background: Hamstring injuries remain a significant injury burden in sports such as soccer that involve high-speed running. It has repeatedly been identified as the most common noncontact injury in elite male soccer, ... -
Interseason variability of a functional movement test, the 9+ screening battery, in professional male football players
Bakken, Arnhild; Targett, Stephen; Bere, Tone Tufte; Eirale, Cristiano; Farooq, Abdulaziz; Tol, Johannes; Whiteley, Rodney; Witvrouw, Erik; Khan, Karim; Bahr, Roald (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-09-06)Background: The Nine Plus screening battery test (9+) is a functional movement test intended to identify limitations in fundamental movement patterns predisposing athletes to injury. However, the interseason variability ... -
Musculoskeletal Screening Tests and Bony Hip Morphology Cannot Identify Male Professional Soccer Players at Risk of Groin Injuries: A 2-Year Prospective Cohort Study
Mosler, Andrea Britt; Weir, Adam; Serner, Andreas; Agricola, Rintje; Eirale, Cristiano; Farooq, Abdulaziz; Bakken, Arnhild; Thorborg, Kristian; Whiteley, Rod; Hölmich, Per; Bahr, Roald; Crossley, Kay M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background: Musculoskeletal hip/groin screening tests are commonly performed to detect at-risk individuals. Bony hip morphology is considered a potential intrinsic risk factor but has not been examined prospectively. ... -
Shedding light on incidence and burden of physeal injuries in a youth elite football academy: A 4-season prospective study
Materne, Olivier; Chamari, Karim; Farooq, Abdulaziz; Tabben, Montassar; Weir, Adam; Holmich, Per; Bahr, Roald; Greig, Matt; McNaughton, Lars R. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Introduction: Physeal injuries have been overlooked in epidemiological research in youth sports. Our prospective study investigated the incidence, severity, and burden of physeal injuries in a youth elite football academy. ...