Browsing Brage NIH by Author "Groven, Karen Synne"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Dilemmas in the process of weight reduction: Exploring how women experience training as a means of losing weight
Groven, Karen Synne; Engelsrud, Gunn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-04-22)Patients diagnosed with obesity are usually offered group-based behavior interventions which include dietary advice and exercise programs. In particular, high-intensity training*combining weight lifting with aerobic ... -
Living with bodily changes after weight loss surgery - women's experiences of food and "dumping"
Groven, Karen Synne; Engelsrud, Gunn; Råheim, Målfrid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)In this article we explore women’s experiences of “dumping” following weight loss surgery. The empirical material is based on individual interviews with 22 Norwegian women. To further analyze their experiences, we build ... -
‘‘My quality of life is worse compared to my earlier life’’: living with chronic problems after weight loss surgery
Groven, Karen Synne; Råheim, Målfrid; Engelsrud, Gunn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-11-18)Weight loss surgery is commonly regarded as improving individuals’ health and social life, and resulting in a happier and more active life for those defined as ‘‘morbidly obese.’’ However, some researchers have started to ... -
Når fedmekirurgi vurderes som "siste sjanse"
Groven, Karen Synne; Engelsrud, Gunn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-10)Bakgrunn: Fedmekirurgi har i løpet av de siste årene etablert seg som en medisinsk metode i eksplosiv vekst. Stadig flere får tilbud om denne behandlingsmetoden, og av disse er over 70 % kvinner. Hensikt: Å undersøke ... -
Phenomenology of Professional Practices in Education and Health Care: An Empirical Investigation
Bjorbærkmo, Wenche Schrøder; Evensen, Kristin Vindhol; Groven, Karen Synne; Rugseth, Gro; Standal, Øyvind Førland (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)In this article a group of professionals working in education and health care explore professional practices and interactions from a phenomenological perspective, drawing on Max van Manen’s conceptualization of the ...