Blar i Brage NIH på forfatter "Hamarsland, Håvard"
Can supplementation with vitamin C and E alter physiological adaptations to strength training?
Paulsen, Gøran; Cumming, Kristoffer Toldnes; Hamarsland, Håvard; Børsheim, Elisabeth; Berntsen, Sveinung; Raastad, Truls (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-07-05)Background: Antioxidant supplementation has recently been demonstrated to be a double-edged sword, because small to moderate doses of exogenous antioxidants are essential or beneficial, while high doses may have adverse ... -
Depressed Physical Performance Outlasts Hormonal Disturbances after Military Training
Hamarsland, Håvard; Paulsen, Gøran; Solberg, Paul André; Slaathaug, Ole Gunnar; Raastad, Truls (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018). Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of an arduous 1-wk military course on measures of physical performance, body composition, and blood biomarkers. Methods: Participants were apprentices in ... -
Determinants and reference values for blood volume and total hemoglobin mass in women and men
Oberholzer, Laura; Montero, David; Robach, Paul; Siebenmann, Christoph; Ryrsøe, Camilla Koch; Bonne, Thomas C.; Bejder, Jacob; Karlsen, Trine; Edvardsen, Elisabeth; Hamarsland, Håvard; Cepeda-Lopez, Ana C.; Rittweger, Jörn; Treff, Gunnar; Ahlgrim, Christoph; Almquist, Nicki Winfield; Hallén, Jostein; Andersen, Andreas Breenfeldt; Rønnestad, Bent R.; Lundby, Carsten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-01-01)Blood volume (BV) is an important clinical parameter and is usually reported per kg of body mass (BM). When fat mass is elevated, this underestimates BV/BM. One aim was to study if differences in BV/BM related to sex, age, ... -
Effects of strength training and supplementation with different milk proteins on regulation of muscle mass in young and elderly
Hamarsland, Håvard (Doctoral thesis, 2017)The ability to maintain a normal muscle masss or to increase muscle mass from a subotimal level, is of great interest from both a sports and health perspective. The health perspective is especially important for our growing ... -
Effekten av restitusjonsdrikken Smartfish og vitamin C og E på hypertrofisignalering etter en styrketreningsøkt
Hamarsland, Håvard (Master thesis, 2011)Innledning: Inntak av kosttilskudd med proteiner og antioksidanter kan påvirke den akutte aktiveringen av signaleringsproteiner i muskelcellene og restitusjon etter en styrketreningsøkt. Gjennom disse mekanismene kan ... -
Gene expression is differentially regulated in skeletal muscle and circulating immune cells in response to an acute bout of high-load strength exercise
Gjevestad, Gyrd O.; Hamarsland, Håvard; Raastad, Truls; Ottestad, Inger; Christensen, Jacob J.; Eckardt, Kristin; Drevon, Christian A.; Biong, Anne S.; Ulven, Stine M.; Holven, Kirsten B. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-03-03)Background: High-intensity exercise induces many metabolic responses. In is unknown whether the response in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) reflects the response in skeletal muscle and whether mRNA expression ... -
Native whey induces similar post exercise muscle anabolic responses as regular whey, despite greater leucinemia, in elderly individuals
Hamarsland, Håvard; Aas, Sigve Nyvik; Nordengen, Anne Lene; Holte, Kari; Garthe, Ina; Paulsen, Gøran; Cotter, Matthew; Børsheim, Elisabet; Benestad, Haakon Breien; Raastad, Truls (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Objective: Elderly muscle seems less sensitive to the anabolic stimulus of a meal. Changes in blood concentrations of leucine are suggested as one important trigger of the anabolic response in muscle. The aim of this study ... -
Native whey protein with high levels of leucine results in similar post-exercise muscular anabolic responses as regular whey protein: A randomized controlled trial
Hamarsland, Håvard; Nordengen, Anne Lene; Aas, Sigve Nyvik; Holte, Kristin Tosterud; Garthe, Ina; Paulsen, Gøran; Cotter, Matthew; Børsheim, Elisabet; Benestad, Haakon Breien; Raastad, Truls (Academic article, 2017-11-21)Protein ingestion produces a strong anabolic stimulus that elevates muscle protein synthesis [34]. The ability of a serving of protein to stimulate muscle protein synthesis (MPS) is dependent on absorption and blood kinetics ... -
No Difference Between Spray Dried Milk and Native Whey Supplementation with Strength Training
Hamarsland, Håvard; Handegard, Vilde; Kåshagen, Mauritz; Benestad, Haakon Breien; Raastad, Truls (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background: A rapid digestibility and high leucine content are considered important for maximal stimulation of muscle protein synthesis. Consequently, with these properties, native whey may hold greater anabolic potential ...