• Effects and tolerability of exercise therapy modality on cardiorespiratory fitness in lung cancer: A randomized controlled trial 

      Scott, Jessica M.; Thomas, Samantha M.; Douglas, Pamela S.; Yu, Anthony F.; Rusch, Valerie; Huang, James; Capaci, Catherine; Harrison, Jenna N.; Stoeckel, Kurtis J.; Nilsen, Tormod Skogstad; Edvardsen, Elisabeth; Michalski, Meghan G.; Eves, Neil D.; Jones, Lee W.; Herndon II, James E. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Background: Poor cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is a cardinal feature of post-treatment primary lung cancer. The most effective exercise therapy regimen to improve CRF has not been determined. Methods: In this ...
    • Machine Learning-Driven Phenogrouping and Cardiorespiratory Fitness Response in Metastatic Breast Cancer 

      Novo, Robert T.; Thomas, Samantha M.; Khouri, Michel G.; Alenezi, Fawaz; Herndon, James E; Michalski, Meghan; Collins, Kereshmeh; Nilsen, Tormod Skogstad; Edvardsen, Elisabeth; Jones, Lee W.; Scott, Jessica M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Purpose The magnitude of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) impairment during anticancer treatment and CRF response to aerobic exercise training (AT) are highly variable. The aim of this ancillary analysis was to leverage ...
    • Novel Methods for Reporting of Exercise Dose and Adherence: An Exploratory Analysis 

      Nilsen, Tormod Skogstad; Scott, Jessica M.; Michalski, Meghan; Capaci, Catherine; Thomas, Samantha M; Herndon, James E; Sasso, John; Eves, Neil D; Jones, Lee W. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore whether methods adapted from oncology pharmacological trials have utility in reporting adherence (tolerability) of exercise treatment in cancer. Methods: Using a retrospective ...
    • Validity of estimated cardiorespiratory fitness in patients with primary breast cancer 

      Michalski, Meghan; Rowed, Kylie; Capaci, Catherine; Stene, Guro Birgitte; Edvardsen, Elisabeth; Jones, Lee W.; Lavery, Jessica A.; Moskowitz, Chaya S.; Eves, Neil D.; Scott, Jessica M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Background: Estimated peak oxygen consumption (Vo2peak) is widely used in oncology; however, estimated Vo2peak equations were developed in noncancer settings. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the validity ...