Browsing Brage NIH by Author "Martinez-Gomez, David"
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Long-term leisure-time physical activity and risk of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality: Dose-response associations in a prospective cohort study of 210 327 Taiwanese adults
Martinez-Gomez, David; Cabanas-Sanchez, Veronica; Yu, Tsung; Rodriguez-Artalejo, Fernando; Ding, Ding; Lee, I-Min; Ekelund, Ulf (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Objectives: We aimed to investigate the dose–response associations of long-term leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) obtained from repeated measures with all-cause and cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality outcomes in ... -
Status and Trends of Physical Activity Surveillance, Policy, and Research in 164 Countries: Findings From the Global Observatory for Physical Activity—GoPA! 2015 and 2020 Surveys
Varela, Andrea Ramirez; Hallal, Pedro C.; Grueso, Juliana Mejía; Pedišić, Željko; Salvo, Deborah; Nguyen, Anita; Klepac, Bojana; Bauman, Adrian; Siefken, Katja; Hinckson, Erica; Oyeyemi, Adewale L.; Richards, Justin; Khidir, Elena Daniela Salih; Inoue, Shigeru; Amagasa, Shiho; Jauregui, Alejandra; da Silva, Marcelo Cozzensa; Lee, I-Min; Ding, Melody; Kohl, Harold W.; Ekelund, Ulf; Heath, Gregory W.; Powell, Kenneth E.; Foster, Charlie; Memon, Aamir Raoof; Doumbia, Abdoulaye; Rather, Abdul Roof; Razzaque, Abdur; Diouf, Adama; Hino, Adriano Akira; Damasceno, Albertino; Abebe, Alem Deksisa; Florindo, Alex Antonio; Mannocci, Alice; Aringazina, Altyn; Jurican, Andrea Backović; Poffet, Andrea; Decelis, Andrew; Carlin, Angela; Enescu, Angelica; Avilés, Angélica María Ochoa; Kontsevaya, Anna; Somhegyi, Annamaria; Vuillemin, Anne; El Hamdouchi, Asmaa; Théodore, Asse Amangoua; Masanovic, Bojan; Lynch, Brigid M.; Medina, Catalina; del Campo, Cecilia; Abdeta, Chalchisa; Moreways, Changa; Ranasinghe, Chathuranga; Howitt, Christina; Cameron, Christine; Jurakić, Danijel; Martinez-Gomez, David; Tladi, Dawn; Diro, Debrework Tesfaye; Adlakha, Deepti; Mitić, Dušan; Bjelica, Duško; Biernat, Elżbieta; Chisati, Enock M.; Lambert, Estelle Victoria; Cerin, Ester; Lee, Eun-Young; Riso, Eva-Maria; Villalba, Felicia Canete; Assah, Felix; Lovrić, Franjo; Araya-Vargas, Gerardo A.; La Torre, Giuseppe; Cruz, Gloria Isabel Nino; Baltaci, Gul; Al Sabbah, Haleama; Nalecz, Hanna; Nashandi, Hilde Liisa; Park, Hyuntae; Revuelta-Sánchez, Inés; Nusurupia, Jackline Jema; Zamora, Jaime Leppe; Kopcakova, Jaroslava; Brazo-Sayavera, Javier; Oppert, Jean-Michel; Nie, Jinlei; Spence, John C.; Bradley, John Stewart; Mota, Jorge; Mitáš, Josef; Chen, Junshi; Hylton, Kamilah S.; Fromel, Karel; Milton, Karen; Borodulin, Katja; Moustapha, Keita Amadou; Martinez-Folgar, Kevin; Nasreddine, Lara; Christiansen, Lars Breum; Malisoux, Laurent; Malete, Leapetswe; Grepo-Jalao, Lorelie C.; Monteiro, Luciana Zaranza; Al Subhi, Lyutha K.; Dakskobler, Maja; Alnaji, Majed; Garro, Margarita Claramunt; Hagströmer, Maria; Murphy, Marie H.; McLaughlin, Matthew; Rivera-Morales, Mercedes; Scheinowitz, Mickey; Shkodra, Mimoza; Piatkowska, Monika; Chaudhury, Moushumi; Alrashdi, Naif Ziyad; Mutrie, Nanette; Murphy, Niamh; Ahmad, Norhayati Haji; Obeidat, Nour A.; Gómez, Nubia Yaneth Ruiz; Liangruenrom, Nucharapon; Arnesto, Oscar Díaz; Flores-Flores, Oscar; Incarbone, Oscar; Chimeddamba, Oyun; Bovet, Pascal; Magalhães, Pedro; Jousilahti, Pekka; Katewongsa, Piyawat; Gómez, Rafael Alexander Leandro; Shihab, Rawan Awni; Ocansey, Reginald; Veress, Réka; Marine, Richard; Carrizales-Ramos, Rolando; Saeed, Saad Younis; El-Ashker, Said; Green, Samuel; Kasoma, Sandra; Beretervide, Santiago; Baldew, Se-Sergio; Nichols, Selby; Khoo, Selina; Hosseini, Seyed Ali; Goenka, Shifalika; Gholamalishahi, Shima; Kosen, Soewarta; Compernolle, Sofie; Enescu, Stefan Paul; Popovic, Stevo; Paudel, Susan; Andrade, Susana; Titze, Sylvia; Davidson, Tamu; Dusingizimana, Theogene; Dorner, Thomas E.; Kolbe-Alexander, Tracy L.; Huong, Tran Thanh; Sychareun, Vanphanom; Jarevska-Simovska, Vera; Puloka, Viliami Kulikefu; Onywera, Vincent; Wendel-Vos, Wanda; Dionyssiotis, Yannis; Pratt, Michael (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: Physical activity (PA) surveillance, policy, and research efforts need to be periodically appraised to gain insight into national and global capacities for PA promotion. The aim of this paper was to assess the ... -
Trends in the association between meeting the physical activity guidelines and risk of mortality in US adults
Martinez-Gomez, David; Rodriguez-Artalejo, Fernando; Ding, Ding; Ekelund, Ulf; Cabanas-Sanchez, Veronica (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Objective: To examine the trends in the association between meeting the physical activity (PA) guidelines and mortality in adults. Methods: We included seventeen annual representative samples of US adults 1998–2014 (n ...