Browsing Brage NIH by Author "Moksnes, Håvard"
Now showing items 1-20 of 23
2016 Consensus statement on return to sport from the First World Congress in Sports Physical Therapy, Bern
Ardern, Clare L.; Glasgow, Philip; Schneiders, Anthony; Witvrouw, Erik; Clarsen, Benjamin Matthew; Cools, Ann; Gojanovic, Boris; Griffin, Steffan; Khan, Karim M.; Moksnes, Håvard; Mutch, Stephen A.; Phillips, Nicola; Reurink, Gustaaf; Sadler, Robin; Silbernagel, Karin Grävare; Thorborg, Kristian; Wangensteen, Arnlaug; Wilk, Kevin E.; Bizzini, Mario (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Deciding when to return to sport after injury is complex and multifactorial—an exercise in risk management. Return to sport decisions are made every day by clinicians, athletes and coaches, ideally in a collaborative way. ... -
2018 International Olympic Committee consensus statement on prevention, diagnosis and management of pediatric anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries
Ardern, Clare L.; Ekås, Guri Ranum; Grindem, Hege; Moksnes, Håvard; Anderson, Allen F.; Chotel, Franck; Cohen, Moises; Forssblad, Magnus; Ganley, Theodore J.; Feller, Julian A.; Karlsson, Jón; Kocher, Minider S.; LaPrade, Robert F.; McNamee, Michael; Mandelbaum, Bert; Micheli, Lyle; Mohtadi, Nicholas; Reider, Bruce; Roe, Justin; Seil, Romain; Siebold, Rainer; Silvers-Granelli, Holly J.; Soligard, Torbjørn; Witvrouw, Erik; Engebretsen, Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)In October 2017, the International Olympic Committee hosted an international expert group of physiotherapists and orthopaedic surgeons who specialise in treating and researching paediatric ACL injuries. Representatives ... -
Assessing implementation, limited efficacy, and acceptability of the BEAST tool: A rehabilitation and return-to-sport decision tool for nonprofessional athletes with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Moksnes, Håvard; Ardern, Clare L.; Kvist, Joanna; Engebretsen, Lars; Risberg, May Arna; Myklebust, Grethe; Grindem, Hege (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Objectives: To assess the implementation, limited efficacy, and acceptability of the BEAST (better and safer return to sport) tool – a rehabilitation and return-to-sport (RTS) decision tool after anterior cruciate ligament ... -
Consensus recommendations on the classification, definition and diagnostic criteria of hip-related pain in young and middle-aged active adults from the International Hip-related Pain Research Network, Zurich 2018
Reiman, Michael P.; Agricola, Rintje; Kemp, Joanne L.; Heerey, Joshua J.; Weir, Adam; van Klij, Pim; Kassarjian, Ara; Mosler, Andrea Britt; Ageberg, Eva; Hölmich, Per; Warholm, Kristian Marstrand; Griffin, Damian; Mayes, Sue; Khan, Karim; Crossley, Kay M.; Bizzini, Mario; Bloom, Nancy; Casartelli, Nicola C.; Diamond, Laura E.; Di Stasi, Stephanie; Drew, Michael; Friedman, Daniel J.; Freke, Matthew; Gojanovic, Boris; Glyn-Jones, Sion; Harris-Hayes, Marcie; Hunt, Michael A.; Impellizzeri, Franco M.; Ishøi, Lasse; Jones, Denise M.; King, Matthew G.; Lawrenson, Peter R.; Leunig, Michael; Lewis, Cara L.; Mathieu, Nicolas; Moksnes, Håvard; Risberg, May Arna; Scholes, Mark James; Semciw, Adam I.; Serner, Andreas; Thorborg, Kristian; Wörner, Tobias; Dijkstra, Hendrik Paulus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)There is no agreement on how to classify, define or diagnose hip-related pain—a common cause of hip and groin pain in young and middle-aged active adults. This complicates the work of clinicians and researchers. The ... -
Coping With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury From Childhood to Maturation: A Prospective Case Series of 44 Patients With Mean 8 Years’ Follow-up
Ekås, Guri Ranum; Moksnes, Håvard; Grindem, Hege; Risberg, May Arna; Engebretsen, Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background: There is no consensus regarding the best treatment approach for skeletally immature children with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries. High-quality studies with long-term follow-up are lacking, and evidence ... -
Functional and radiological outcomes following a non-operative treatment algorithm after ACL injuries in skeletally immature children
Moksnes, Håvard (Doctoral thesis, 2013)This dissertation has evaluated the functional and radiological outcomes following the implementation of a non-operative treatment algorithm for skeletally immature children after ACL injury. The body of evidence, needed ... -
Functional tests should be accentuated more in the decision
Eitzen, Ingrid; Moksnes, Håvard; Snyder-Mackler, Lynn; Engebretsen, Lars; Risberg, May Arna (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-04-22)A high pre-injury activity level, the desire of the patient to continue pivoting sports and fear of future give-way episodes are considered the most significant factors affecting the decision to perform anterior cruciate ... -
Inter- and intrarater reliability of four single-legged hop tests and isokinetic muscle torque measurements in children
Johnsen, Marianne Bakke; Eitzen, Ingrid; Moksnes, Håvard; Risberg, May Arna (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-11-15)Purpose: Single-legged hop tests and isokinetic muscle torque are common outcome measures in the evaluation of knee function. The reliability of the single-legged hop tests in children has not been documented. The aim was ... -
Patient-reported outcome measures for hip-related pain: a review of the available evidence and a consensus statement from the International Hip-related Pain Research Network, Zurich 2018
Impellizzeri, Franco M.; Jones, Denise M.; Griffin, Damian; Harris-Hayes, Marcie; Thorborg, Kristian; Crossley, Kay M.; Reiman, Michael P.; Scholes, Mark James; Ageberg, Eva; Agricola, Rintje; Bizzini, Mario; Bloom, Nancy; Casartelli, Nicola C.; Diamond, Laura E.; Dijkstra, Hendrik Paulus; Di Stasi, Stephanie; Drew, Michael; Friedman, Daniel J.; Freke, Matthew; Gojanovic, Boris; Heerey, Joshua J.; Hölmich, Per; Hunt, Michael A.; Ishøi, Lasse; Kassarjian, Ara; King, Matthew; Lawrenson, Peter R.; Leunig, Michael; Lewis, Cara L.; Warholm, Kristian Marstrand; Mayes, Sue; Moksnes, Håvard; Mosler, Andrea Britt; Risberg, May Arna; Semciw, Adam; Serner, Andreas; van Klij, Pim; Wörner, Tobias; Kemp, Joanne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Hip-related pain is a well-recognised complaint among active young and middle-aged active adults. People experiencing hip-related disorders commonly report pain and reduced functional capacity, including difficulties in ... -
Performance-based functional evaluation of non-operative and operative treatment after anterior cruciate ligament injury
Moksnes, Håvard; Risberg, May Arna (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2008-05-28)Highly active anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)-injured patients are usually recommended surgical treatment as the primary intervention. The objective of this study was to compare the functional outcome in a cohort of ... -
Performance-based functional outcome for children 12 years or younger following anterior cruciate ligament injury : a two to nine-year follow-up study.
Moksnes, Håvard; Engebretsen, Lars; Risberg, May Arna (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2007-12-22)There is limited scientific knowledge on ACL injuries in children 12 years or younger. Substantial controversy exists on treatment algorithms and there are no published data on performance based functional outcome. ... -
Physical performance profiles in Norwegian Premier League Female Football: A descriptive study
Vagle, Markus; Dalen-Lorentsen, Torstein; Moksnes, Håvard; Harøy, Joar; Bjørneboe, John Andreas; Andersen, Thor Einar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Purpose: To map anthropometric and physical performance profiles in Norwegian premier league female football players. Methods: During preseason, the physical qualities of 107 players were tested on Keiser leg press, ... -
Physiotherapist-led treatment for young to middle-aged active adults with hip-related pain: consensus recommendations from the International Hip-related Pain Research Network, Zurich 2018
Kemp, Joanne L.; Risberg, May Arna; Mosler, Andrea Britt; Harris-Hayes, Marcie; Serner, Andreas; Moksnes, Håvard; Bloom, Nancy; Crossley, Kay M.; Gojanovic, Boris; Hunt, Michael; Ishøi, Lasse; Mathieu, Nicolas; Mayes, Sue; Scholes, Mark; Gimpel, Mo; Friedman, Daniel; Ageberg, Eva; Agricola, Rintje; Casartelli, Nicola C.; Diamond, Laura E.; Dijkstra, H. Paul; Di Stasi, Stephanie; Drew, Michael; Freke, Matthew D.; Griffin, Damian; Heerey, Joshua J; Hölmich, Per; Impellizzeri, Franco; Jones, Denise M.; Kassarjian, Ara; Khan, Karim; King, Matthew G; Lawrenson, Peter R; Leunig, Michael; Lewis, Cara; Warholm, Kristian Marstrand; Reiman, Michael P.; Semciw, Adam; Thorborg, Kristian; van Klij, Pim; Wörner, Tobias; Bizzini, Mario (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The 1st International Hip-related Pain Research Network meeting discussed four prioritised themes concerning hip-related pain in young to middle-aged adults: (1) diagnosis and classification of hip-related pain; (2) ... -
Prevalence and incidence of new meniscus and cartilage injuries after a nonoperative treatment algorithm for ACL tears in skeletally immature children: a prospective MRI study
Moksnes, Håvard; Engebretsen, Lars; Risberg, May Arna (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-06-14)Background: The increased risk of long-term osteoarthritis from concomitant injuries to the menisci or cartilage after an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury in adults is well established. In skeletally immature children, ... -
Prevention and rehabilitation of paediatric anterior cruciate ligament injuries
Grindem, Hege; Moksnes, Håvard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-11-14)Purpose: To review the current knowledge on anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury prevention and ACL rehabilitation in individuals who have not yet reached musculoskeletal maturity. Methods: This is a narrative ... -
A progressive 5-week exercise therapy program leads to significant improvement in knee function early after anterior cruciate ligament injury
Eitzen, Ingrid; Moksnes, Håvard; Snyder-Mackler, Lynn; Risberg, May Arna (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-11)STUDY DESIGN: Prospective cohort study without a control group. OBJECTIVES: Firstly, to present our 5-week progressive exercise therapy program in the early stage after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. Secondly, ... -
Quantifying quadriceps muscle strength in patients with ACL injury, focal cartilage lesions, and degenerative meniscus tears: differences and clinical implications
Eitzen, Ingrid; Grindem, Hege; Nilstad, Agnethe; Moksnes, Håvard; Risberg, May Arna (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-10-11)Background: Reduced quadriceps strength influences knee function and increases the risk of knee osteoarthritis. Thus, it is of significant clinical relevance to precisely quantify strength deficits in patients with knee ... -
Rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament injury influences joint loading during walking but not hopping
Risberg, May Arna; Moksnes, Håvard; Storevold, Annika; Holm, Inger; Snyder-Mackler, Lynn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009-03-08)Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify changes in clinical outcome and lower extremity biomechanics during walking and hopping in ACL-injured subjects before and after a 20-session neuromuscular and strength ... -
Self-reported and performance-based functional outcomes after surgical repair of proximal hamstring avulsions
Skaara, Heléne Engberg; Moksnes, Håvard; Frihagen, Frede; Stuge, Britt (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-08-29)Background: Because a proximal hamstring avulsion results in residual loss of function, surgical repair is recommended. Few studies have investigated postoperative function with validated outcomes. Purpose: To examine ... -
Similar views on rehabilitation following hip arthroscopy among physiotherapists and surgeons in Scandinavia: A specialized care survey
Wörner, Tobias; Thorborg, Kristian; Moksnes, Håvard; Eek, Frida (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Purpose: The rising number of hip arthroscopies (HA) is leading to increasing numbers of patients requiring postsurgical rehabilitation; however, evidence regarding postoperative rehabilitation is currently limited. The ...