Browsing Brage NIH by Author "Roemer, Frank W."
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Association of markers of patellofemoral maltracking to cartilage damage and bone marrow lesions on MRI: Data from the 2016 Olympic Games of Rio De Janeiro
Jarraya, Mohamed; Roemer, Frank W.; Engebretsen, Lars; Kompel, Andrew J.; Small, Kirstin M.; Smith, Stacy E.; Guermazi, Ali (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background: Patellofemoral joint (PFJ) disease is a common ailment in elite athletes. Our aim is to report the frequency of superolateral Hoffa’s fat pad (SHFP) edema, and PFJ cartilage damage and bone marrow lesions (BML), ... -
Evaluation of spine MRIs in athletes participating in the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympic Games
Wasserman, Michael S.; Guermazi, Ali; Jarraya, Mohamed; Engebretsen, Lars; Abdelkader, Mohamad; Roemer, Frank W.; Hayashi, Daichi; Crema, Michel D.; Mian, Asim Z. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background/aim: In high-level Olympic athletes, many spinal pathologies arise from overuse, while others are the result of acute injury. Our aim is to analyse the epidemiology of spinal pathologies detected on MRI in ... -
Imaging-detected acute muscle injuries in athletes participating in the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympic Games
Crema, Michel D.; Jarraya, Mohamed; Engebretsen, Lars; Roemer, Frank W.; Hayashi, Daichi; Domingues, Romulo; Skaf, Abdalla Y.; Guermazi, Ali (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-12-07)Background: Acute muscle injuries in elite athletes are responsible for a large portion of time loss injuries. Aim: To describe the frequency, the anatomic distribution, and severity of imaging-detected acute muscle injuries ... -
Knee cartilage damage and concomitant internal derangement on MRI in athletes competing at the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympics
Ahmad, Zohaib; Murakami, Akira M.; Engebretsen, Lars; Jarraya, Mohamed; Roemer, Frank W.; Guermazi, Ali; Kompel, Andrew J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Purpose: To report the MRI patterns of knee cartilage damage and concomitant internal derangement in athletes participating at the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympic Games. Methods: Knee MRIs obtained at the core imaging ... -
MRI-detected spinal disc degenerative changes in athletes participating in the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympics games
Abdalkader, Mohamad; Guermazi, Ali; Engebretsen, Lars; Roemer, Frank W.; Jarraya, Mohamed; Hayashi, Daichi; Crema, Michel D.; Mian, Asim Z. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Objective: To describe the frequency and the distribution of degenerative disc disease (DDD) detected in athletes who underwent spine MRI in the 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Methods: Data on spine MRI ... -
Sports Injuries at the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympics: Use of Diagnostic Imaging Services
Guermazi, Ali; Hayashi, Daichi; Jarraya, Mohamed; Crema, Michel D.; Bahr, Roald; Roemer, Frank W.; Grangeiro, Joao; Budgett, Richard; Soligard, Torbjørn; Domingues, Romulo; Skaf, Abdalla; Engebretsen, Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Purpose: To describe the occurrence of imaging-depicted sports-related stress injuries, fractures, and muscle and tendon disorders during the 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Materials and Methods: Data ... -
The epidemiology of MRI detected shoulder injuries in athletes participating in the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympics
Murakami, Akira; Kompel, Andrew J; Engebretsen, Lars; Li, Xinning; Forster, Bruce B; Crema, Michel D.; Hayashi, Daichi; Jarraya, Mohamed; Roemer, Frank W.; Guermazi, Ali (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
Wrist injuries detected on magnetic resonance imaging in athletes participating in the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympic Games
Alizai, Hamza; Engebretsen, Lars; Jarraya, Mohamed; Roemer, Frank W.; Guermazi, Ali (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background: Traumatic and chronic overuse injuries of the wrist are common in athletes. The purpose of this study was to describe the frequency, anatomic distribution, and severity of MRI-detected wrist joint injuries ...