Blar i Brage NIH på forfatter "Stefansen, Kari"
The continued importance of family sport culture for sport participation during the teenage years
Strandbu, Åse; Bakken, Anders; Stefansen, Kari (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Growing up in a family with an affinity for sports increases the likelihood of participating in club-organised sports. Few studies to date have addressed whether the importance of family sport culture is stable or changes ... -
Fotball som kjønnet mulighetsrom. Hvilken betydning har metafortellingen om kvinnefotball for unge jenters idrettsprosjekt?
Persson, Marlene; Stefansen, Kari; Strandbu, Åse (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Denne artikkelen handler om idrett og kjønn. Vi tar utgangspunkt i fotball – som i dag er den mest populære idretten blant både jenter og gutter, samtidig som den er tydelig kjønnet på elitenivå. Kvinnefotball framstilles ... -
Seksuell trakassering og andre krenkelser i ungdomsidretten: Forekomst og mønstre i utsatthet
Strandbu, Åse; Solstad, Gerd Marie; Stefansen, Kari; Frøyland, Lars Roar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Denne artikkelen undersøker forekomsten av ulike typer krenkelser i ungdomsidretten, noe det er forsket lite på. Vi analyserer data fra undersøkelsen Ung i Oslo 2021 (svarprosent = 53%, 13–19 år). Deltakere som var aktive ... -
Sexual harassment or just coaching?: Sport students making sense of possibly sexualising coach behaviours
Strandbu, Åse; Solstad, Gerd Marie; Stefansen, Kari; Sandvik, Morten Renslo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Research has shown that athletes are divided in their assessment of possibly sexualising behaviours from coaches towards athletes. How they arrive at their conclusions has received less attention—yet it is crucial to ... -
Understanding the increase in parents’ involvement in organized youth sports
Stefansen, Kari; Smette, Ingrid; Strandbu, Åse (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-02-18)As part of an ethnographic study on young people and learning (the knowledge in motion across contexts of learning project, set in Norway), we interviewed a diverse sample of parents of young teenagers, many of whom were ... -
Young Athletes’ Perceptions of Coach-Athlete Sexual Relationships: Engaging with Competing Ethics
Stefansen, Kari; Solstad, Gerd Marie; Strandbu, Åse; Hansen, Maria Louise (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)In this paper, we use data from focus group interviews with young athletes to explore their thinking about coach-athlete sexual relationships (CASRs). Our aim is to further the understanding of the ambivalence surrounding ... -
Young people’s experiences of parental involvement in youth sport
Strandbu, Åse; Stefansen, Kari; Smette, Ingrid; Sandvik, Morten Renslo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Recently parental involvement in youth sport has intensified, challenging the understanding of youth sports as an arena where adolescents can develop their identity and autonomy. On this background, our study explores how ... -
Young people’s experiences of parental involvement in youth sport
Strandbu, Åse; Stefansen, Kari; Smette, Ingrid; Sandvik, Morten Renslo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Recently parental involvement in youth sport has intensified, challenging the understanding of youth sports as an arena where adolescents can develop their identity and autonomy. On this background, our study explores how ...