Browsing Norges idrettshøgskole by Title
Now showing items 1364-1383 of 3712
Fysiske karakteristika, fysisk form og skadeforekomst blant unge håndballspillere: Utviklingen fra første til andre klasse på Norges toppidrettsgymnas og offentlig videregående skole
(Master thesis, 2021)Bakgrunn: Håndball er en fysisk krevende kontaktidrett, og håndballprestasjon er dermed assosiert med fysiske karakteristika og fysisk form. Det er også vist at det er en høy forekomst av skader i håndball. Vi vet lite om ... -
Fysiske krav i Politiets Beredskapstropp: Hvilken fysiologiske kapasitet kreves av en kvinne for å klare de fysiske opptaktstestene?
(Master thesis, 2022)FORMÅL: Denne masteroppgaven hadde i hensikt å vurdere den fysiologiske kapasiteten som kreves av kvinner for å klare opptakstestene til Beredskapstroppen, i tillegg til å undersøke hvordan godt trente kvinner anser sine ... -
«Følelser i spill» - en kroppsøvingslærers erfaringer: En autoetnografisk studie om en kroppsøvingslærers følelser og erfaringer i yrkesutøvelsen.
(Master thesis, 2020)Denne masteroppgaven er et autoetnografisk forskningsprosjekt hvor temaet er kroppsøvingslærerens følelser. Formålet med oppgaven er å få innsikt i kroppsøvingslærerens erfaringer, og å få kunnskap om følelser som ... -
Galectin-3 levels relate in children to total body fat, abdominal fat, body fat distribution, and cardiac size
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Galectin-3 has recently been proposed as a novel biomarker for cardiovascular disease in adults. The purpose of this investigation was to assess relationships between galectin-3 levels and total body fat, abdominal fat, ... -
A games-based assessment in ecological dynamics for measuring physical literacy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Ideas and concepts taken from ecological dynamics might provide an alternative perspective on physical literacy assessment. The aim of this paper was to pilot an assessment of physical literacy conceptualised in an ecological ... -
Ganganalyse av bensarkompasienter: Forskjeller i kinetikk (ankel- og knemoment) og kinematikk (knefleksjon i belastningsfasen og midtre del av belastningsfasen) i operert ben sammenlignet med ikkeoperert ben og ben fra friske kontroller
(Master thesis, 2018)Bakgrunn: Bensarkom er en sjelden gruppe maligne svulster som i all hovedsak rammer unge mennesker. De vanligste bensarkomene er osteosarkom, Ewings sarkom og kondrosarkom. Osteosarkom og Ewings sarkom har lik utbredelse ... -
‘Garra Charrua’ The unlikely success of Uruguayan football : A qualitative study of how 7 professionals describe and experience the Uruguayan culture for player development
(Master thesis, 2018)This study explores the unique characteristics of the Uruguayan culture for player development in football. The literature on the cultural setting in which player development embedded is scarce, even though many researchers ... -
Gatelagsarbeid i norske toppklubber: En kvalitativ studie om hvordan norske toppklubber arbeider med sine gatelag
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker hvordan norske toppklubber arbeider med sine gatelag og hvordan gatelagsarbeidet kan utvikles videre. Gatelagsfotball startet internasjonalt som «StreetSoccer Football», rettet mot hjemløse ... -
GDF15 provides an endocrine signal of nutritional stress in mice and humans
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)GDF15 is an established biomarker of cellular stress. The fact that it signals via a specific hindbrain receptor, GFRAL, and that mice lacking GDF15 manifest diet-induced obesity suggest that GDF15 may play a physiological ... -
Gender matters in sport event volunteering
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-08-01)The theoretical framework of Hustinx and Lammertyn on reflexive and traditional styles of volunteering is used to examine the differences between female and male volunteers at a sport event. Our study of the Nordic Skiing ... -
Gender policy and organizational change : a contextual approach
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2009-05-12)The purpose of this article is to draw upon Pettigrew's contextualist approach to organizational change to examine the implications of gender policy on the imbalance between female and male board members in sport organizations. ... -
Gender-specific mediators of the association between parental education and adiposity among adolescents: The HEIA study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Identifying the mechanisms behind socioeconomic inequalities in adiposity among youth is vital for efforts aimed at combating these inequalities. The study explored whether a broad range of behavioral and familial factors ... -
Gendered pathways to elite coaching reflecting the accumulation of capitals
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)While earlier research on coaches’ careers and the development of coaching expertise appears ‘gender blind’, the focus of this article on the underrepresentation of women in elite-level coaching is how various forms of ... -
Gendered relations?: Associations between Swedish parents, siblings, and adolescents' time spent sedentary and physically active
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Introduction: The family is assumed to be fundamental in youth socialization processes and development, connected to social and cultural practices such as healthy lifestyles and physical activity. However, gender patterns ... -
Gene expression is differentially regulated in skeletal muscle and circulating immune cells in response to an acute bout of high-load strength exercise
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-03-03)Background: High-intensity exercise induces many metabolic responses. In is unknown whether the response in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) reflects the response in skeletal muscle and whether mRNA expression ... -
General versus sports-specific injury prevention programs in athletes: A systematic review on the effect on injury rates
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Introduction: Annually, 2 million sports-related injuries are reported in Germany of which athletes contribute to a large proportion. Multiple sport injury prevention programs designed to decrease acute and overuse injuries ... -
Generating actiGraph counts from raw acceleration recorded by an alternative monitor
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Purpose: This study aimed to implement an aggregation method in Matlab for generating ActiGraph counts from raw acceleration recorded with an alternative accelerometer device and to investigate the validity of the method. ... -
Genetic variation in candidate genes and patellar tendinopathy: Prospective cohort study of 126 elite volleyball players
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Variation in genes coding for structural proteins may represent risk factors for developing tendinopathy among athletes. The purpose of this prospective cohort study of elite volleyball students was to investigate whether ... -
Genome-wide association analyses of physical activity and sedentary behavior provide insights into underlying mechanisms and roles in disease prevention
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Although physical activity and sedentary behavior are moderately heritable, little is known about the mechanisms that influence these traits. Combining data for up to 703,901 individuals from 51 studies in a multi-ancestry ... -
Geolocalisation of athletes for out-of-competition drug testing: Ethical considerations. Position statement by the WADA Ethics Panel
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Through the widespread availability of location-identifying devices, geolocalisation could potentially be used to place athletes during out-of-competition testing. In light of this debate, the WADA Ethics Panel formulated ...