Browsing Norges idrettshøgskole by Title
Now showing items 2676-2695 of 3712
Pregnancy and advanced maternal age — The associations between regular exercise and maternal and newborn health variables
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Introduction: Despite the associations between delayed childbearing and poorer maternal and perinatal outcomes, little is known about these issues in regular exercisers and in women with healthy lifestyles. The aims of the ... -
Pregnancy and health behaviors: A cross-sectional study investigating beliefs, attitudes and practices among Norwegian health care providers regarding physical activity, gestational weight gain and nutrition
(Master thesis, 2019)BACKGROUND: As far as we know there is only one study examining beliefs, attitudes and practices of Norwegian health care providers towards regular exercise, gestational weight gain (GWG) and nutrition during pregnancy ... -
Pregnant women may exercise both abdominal and pelvic floor muscles during pregnancy without increasing the diastasis recti abdominis: A randomised trial
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Question: What is the effect of a 12-week abdominal and pelvic floor muscle exercise program during pregnancy on the inter-recti distance (IRD) in women with diastasis recti abdominis immediately after the 12-week intervention ... -
Prenatal and birth predictors of objectively measured physical activity and sedentary time in three population-based birth cohorts in Brazil
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Physical inactivity is a global pandemic with no signs of improvement. Prolonged sitting time is an emerging risk factor that exacerbates the health consequences of physical inactivity. Both behaviours are influenced by ... -
Prenatal, birth and early life predictors of sedentary behavior in young people: a systematic review
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-06-07)Background: Our aim was to systematically summarize the evidence on whether prenatal, birth and early life factors up to 6 years of age predict sedentary behavior in young people (≤18 years). Methods: PRISMA guidelines ... -
Prepare to fail or failing to prepare?: Acute performance after FIFA 11+ with and without strength exercises: A randomised crossover study
(Master thesis, 2022)Background: FIFA 11+ is an injury prevention warm-up program for football that includes a strength training part. Despite its proven effectiveness in reducing injuries, uncertainty remains about whether it could impair the ... -
Prepare to fail or failing to prepare?: Acute performance after the 11+ with and without strength exercises
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Objectives: The 11+ is an effective injury prevention warm-up programme but is often poorly adopted in practice. One reason for low compliance is the claim that the strength training part of the programme acutely impairs ... -
Presence and (dis)connectedness – the influence of smartphones usage on human–nature and human–human interactions in outdoor studies
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Interactions between students and nature and students and their peers are central to learning processes in outdoor studies programs. This paper draws on symbolic interactionist social theory to interpret participants’ ... -
Presence and (dis)connection: Teaching and Learning with Mobile Technology in Tertiary Outdoor Studies Programs
(Doctoral thesis, 2024)The aim of this research was to gain a deeper understanding of different perspectives and approaches related to the use of mobile technologies in outdoor studies and to better understand how the use of mobile technologies ... -
Presset angår ikke meg: en kvalitativ studie om kropp og "kroppspress" blant elever i videregående skole
(Master thesis, 2016-08-16)Masteroppgavens tema er kropp og «kroppspress», og dette temaet undersøkes sammen med et utvalg ungdommer i videregående skole. Bakgrunnen for det valgte temaet er den stadig voksende bekymring for, og det mye omtalte ... -
Prestasjon under press: Unge utøveres opplevelse av optimal prestasjon i idrett - En fortolkende fenomenologisk analyse
(Master thesis, 2021)Hensikten med studien var å undersøke de psykologiske faktorene underliggende for prestasjon under press, med et spesielt fokus på hva som gjør at unge utøvere klarer å prestere i stressende situasjoner. Målet var å utforske ... -
Prestasjonsanalyse i skihopp: Navigasjonsteknologi (GNSS) og posisjons estimering med datasyn som verktøy for treners analyse av en utøvers prestasjon i skihopp
(Master thesis, 2021)Introduksjon: Skihopp er en idrett hvor prestasjonen avgjøres av mange faktorer som spiller inn i flere faser gjennom hoppet. En utøver forbedrer sine ferdigheter i samspill med trener, en treners tilbakemeldinger er en ... -
Prestasjonsangst hos norske landslagsløpere i kombinert: oppleves prestasjonsangst forskjellig i hopp og langrenn for en kombinertløper? : opplever utøverne prestasjonsangst forskjellig ut i fra hvilket prestasjonsnivå de innehar?
(Master thesis, 2014)Idretten kombinert kombinerer skihopp og langrenn, og i Norge har kombinert hatt sterke nasjonale røtter de siste 150 årene. Skihopp og langrenn er idretter som stiller vidt forskjellige fysiske og psykiske krav, og denne ... -
Prestasjonsangst og opplevd status blant unge fotballspillere: en studie med mål om å lære mekanismene rundt angst og status i fotball
(Master thesis, 2016-08-15)Fotball er en idrett som stiller mange ulike krav, både på og utenfor banen. Utenfor banen kan kravene som stilles være relaterte til hvordan man oppnår status, og hvordan man eventuelt håndterer statusen man har opparbeidet ... -
Prestasjonsutvikling i elitehåndball: Kommunikasjon, paradokser og utilsiktede konsekvenser - En kvalitativ studie av et elitelag i håndball med utgangspunkt i Niklas Luhmanns systemteori
(Master thesis, 2021)Studien tar utgangspunkt i å beskrive prestasjonsutvikling i eliteidretten som sosial praksis, som oppstår i relasjon mellom mennesker, og ikke kan reduseres til enkeltelementene den praktiske virksomheten består av. Fremfor ... -
Prevalence and burden of health problems in competitive adolescent distance runners: A 6-month prospective cohort study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)To describe all health problems (injuries and illnesses) in relation to type, location, incidence, prevalence, time loss, severity, and burden, in competitive adolescent distance runners in England. Prospective observational ... -
Prevalence and Burden of Health Problems in Male Elite Ice Hockey Players : A Prospective Study in the Norwegian Professional League
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background: As previous epidemiological studies in elite ice hockey have focused on acute time-loss injuries, little is known about the burden of overuse injuries and illnesses in ice hockey. Purpose: To report the prevalence ... -
Prevalence and burden of health problems in Norwegian top-level referees: A one-season prospective cohort study
(Master thesis, 2021)Background: Football referees make decisions during straining physical activity and under great pressure. Despite their central role in the game, little is known about referee health, particularly among female referees. ... -
Prevalence and burden of overuse injuries in elite junior handball
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Aim: To record overuse injuries among male junior handball players throughout a handball season. Design: Prospective cohort study. Methods: Ten Norwegian junior male handball teams (145 players aged 16–18 years) were ... -
Prevalence and burden of self-reported health problems in junior male elite ice hockey players: A 44-week prospective cohort study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background: Little is known about the burden of overuse injuries and illnesses in junior elite ice hockey. Purpose: To describe the prevalence and burden of all health problems in junior male elite ice hockey players ...