Browsing Norges idrettshøgskole by Title
Now showing items 354-373 of 3730
Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in a hyaluronan scaffold for treatment of an osteochondral defect in a rabbit model
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2008-07-01)The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of using mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) in a hyaluronan scaffold for repair of an osteochondral defect in rabbit knee. Bone marrow was harvested from the posterior ... -
"Bonuskampene": en intervjuundersøkelse om hvordan norske topptrenere i fotball forbereder laget til kamp på bortebane.
(Master thesis, 2012)Hovedhensikten med denne studien har vært å belyse hvordan norske topptrenere i fotball forbereder sine lag til å prestere på bortebane. Forskningen tar utgangspunkt i Courneya og Carron (1992) og Pollard (1986) sine ... -
Borte bra, hjemme best: et intervensjonsstudie med unge fotballspillere som undersøker om trening med høy grad av kontekstuell variasjon kan påvirke hjemmebanefordelen
(Master thesis, 2010)Formål: Målet med studiet var å undersøke om en gruppe som over tid har trent med en høy grad av kontekstuell variasjon vil prestere bedre på ukjent arena, enn en gruppe som trener på de samme ferdighetene med lavere ... -
Both the "what" and "why" of youth sports participation matter: a conditional process analysis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-04-26)This study builds on previous research combining achievement goal orientation from Achievement Goal Theory and motivational regulation from Self-Determination Theory. The aim was to assess the combination of the “what” and ... -
Branched-chain amino acid metabolism, insulin sensitivity and liver fat response to exercise training in sedentary dysglycaemic and normoglycaemic men
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Aims/hypothesis: Obesity and insulin resistance may be associated with elevated plasma concentration of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) and impaired BCAA metabolism. However, it is unknown whether the insulin-sensitising ... -
Branched-chain amino acids supplementation does not accelerate recovery after a change of direction sprinting exercise protocol
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)BCAAs supplementation has been widely used for post-exercise recovery. However, no evidence is currently available to answer the question of whether BCAAs supplementation can attenuate muscle damage and ameliorate recovery ... -
Brand creation in international recurring sports events
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-05)Although recurring sports events are held more frequently and by a larger number of cities than one-off events, little research has examined the branding process within recurring events. This paper addresses this gap by ... -
Breakfast consumption and physical activity in adolescents: daily associations and hourly patterns
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-11-27)BACKGROUND: The association between breakfast consumption and physical activity (PA) is inconclusive. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to investigate daily associations and hourly patterns of PA and breakfast consumption in ... -
Breaking - that's me!: meaning, identity, gender constructions among young break(danc)ers living in Oslo, Norway
(Doctoral thesis, 2017)In a rapidly changing world characterized by increased ethnic diversity, successful integration depends (among other factors) on social interaction among people. Hence, there is a need for cross-cultural meeting points. ... -
Breaking-up sedentary time is associated with impairment in activities of daily living
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-12)Identifying modifiable behaviors associated with prevention of activities of daily living (ADL) impairments is vital to implement preventive strategies for independent living in elderly. We aimed to examine the associations ... -
Breaststroke swimmers moderate internal work increases toward the highest stroke frequencies
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-09-18)A model to predict the mechanical internal work of breaststroke swimming was designed. It allowed us to explore the frequency–internal work relationship in aquatic locomotion. Its accuracy was checked against internal work ... -
Breddefotballens ledere: en kvalitativ analyse av daglig leder-rollen i to norske breddeklubber
(Master thesis, 2011)Denne masteroppgaven er et resultat av jeg i mange år har jobbet og hatt frivillige verv i breddefotballklubber. Gjennom mine verv har jeg samarbeidet med forskjellige daglig ledere og jeg på nært hold fått en forståelse ... -
Breddeidrett - fra ideologi til praksis: en kvalitativ studie av oppfatninger, gjennomføringer og erfaringer i det valgfrie programfaget breddeidrett
(Master thesis, 2016-08-22)I denne studien har jeg undersøkt tre praktiseringer av det valgfrie programfaget breddeidrett. Gjennom kvalitative semistrukturerte intervjuer har lærere og elever, fra utdanningsprogrammet for idrettsfag, bidratt til ... -
Bronchial hyperresponsiveness and asthma in former elite skiers: A longitudinal prospective study investigating the changes in the prevalence of bronchial hyperresponsiveness and asthma from active career to retirement from elite sports amongst cross-country skiers, biathletes and Nordic combined skiers
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven er klausulert, og er IKKE TILGJENGELIG før juni 2027. -
Bronchial nitric oxide flux and alveolar nitric oxide concentration after exposure to hyperoxia
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-10-01)The fraction of nitric oxide in exhaled gas (FENO) is reduced by 30-70% after exposure to partial pressures of oxygen (Po2) of 200-240 kPa for 90 min. The purpose of this study was to partition FENO into its flow-independent ... -
Bruk av SKADEFRI og skadeforebyggende trening før, rett etter og tre måneder etter deltagelse på klubbkveld i regi av SKADEFRI: En deskriptiv studie
(Master thesis, 2021)Introduksjon: Mange idrettsaktive barn og unge opplever idrettsskader med påfølgende negative konsekvenser. Skadeomfanget kan effektivt reduseres ved å gjennomføre skadeforebyggende trening, men implementering av ... -
Bubbles & Squat – did Dionysus just sneak into the fitness centre?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)A Danish fitness chain recently introduced a new concept called Bubbles & Squat. Here, fitness training is combined with free champagne and music. In this paper, we examine this new way of bringing parties, alcohol and ... -
Built environment and physical activity: Domain- and activity-specific associations among Brazilian adolescents
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-07-03)Background: Physical activity is likely to be determined as a complex interplay between personal, interpersonal, and environmental factors. Studying the built environment involves expanding the focus from the individual ... -
Built for movement: Neighborhoods and adolescent physical activity behaviors, and the moderating role of socioeconomic position and gender
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This study examined whether the built environment was associated with physical activity among adolescents in Oslo, Norway, and the role of socioeconomic position and gender as potential moderators of this association. We ... -
Bør e-sport inn i Norges idrettsforbund?: En kvalitativ studie som undersøker holdninger blant sentrale personer i e-sporten og idrettsledere i Norges idrettsforbund til om e-sport kan bli en del av NIF.
(Master thesis, 2020)E-sport regnes i dag som verdens raskest voksende idrett. På kort tid har den gått fra å være en aktivitet som ofte utføres i privatsfæren og gjerne assosiert med stillesitting og usunn livsstil; til å bli seriøse konkurranser ...