"Shaking or stirring?": a case-study of physical education teacher education in Norway
The aim of this study was to research physical education teacher educators’ (PETEs) (and
to a lesser extent physical education [PE] students’) perspectives on the nature and
purposes of physical education teacher education (PETE). Questions to be answered
were: How do PETEs (and PE students) view the purposes of PETE, that is to say what
are their philosophies and ideologies regarding PE and PETE? How do PETEs view the
nature of PETE in practice, in other words, how do they view their roles and identities as
PETEs? How do the PETEs experience working as PETEs, and how do PE students view
being PE students? Finally, the study set out to examine how PETEs at Nord UC
implement the kind of PETE the institution was supposed to offer the students?
Avhandling (doktorgrad) - Norges idrettshøgskole, 2011.