Browsing Masteroppgaver / Master's theses by Title
Now showing items 1144-1163 of 1304
Taktiske forberedelser i profesjonell fotball: En case-studie av Bodø/Glimt sesongen 2020
(Master thesis, 2021)Hensikten med denne masteroppgaven var å undersøke hvordan profesjonelle fotballag forbereder seg taktisk til kamp gjennom en normal treningsuke i sesong, da dette er et tema det er gjort lite forskning på tidligere. ... -
Talentutvikling i juniorlangrenn for herrer : en treårig analyse av treningsutviklingen til en mannlig juniorløper i langrenn, sett i lys av; signifikante andres betydning, motivasjonelle faktorer og rammevilkår for langrennssatsing
(Master thesis, 2008)Hensikten med denne analysen har vært å undersøke treningsutviklingen til en av Norges beste mannlige juniorløpere i langrenn, sett i lys av signifikante andres betydning, motivasjonelle forhold og rammebetingelser. Jeg ... -
Tatt av snøskred: kjennetegn, opplevelser og erfaringer
(Master thesis, 2014)Det har skjedd en endring i hvordan frikjørere ferdes i vinterfjellet de siste 10 – 15 årene. Det har tidligere vært en tydeligere tradisjon å gå på homogen vårsnø, kontra lagdelt vintersnø. I nyere tid har frikjørere ... -
Tenåring i tippeligaen : en kvalitativ undersøkelse av fotballspillere som har markert seg i Tippeligaen i svært ung alder
(Master thesis, 2008)Hensikten med denne masteroppgaven kan uttrykkes gjennom min hovedproblemstilling: ”Hva er avgjørende for å slå gjennom i Tippeligaen som tenåring?” Gjennom dette vil jeg belyse hvilke faktorer som har hatt betydning for ... -
Tennis - fra barneturneringer til 70-68 i femte sett: en kvalitativ studie av konkurransestrukturen i tennis: hvordan fortolker trenere, ledere og spillere dagens konkurranser og hvordan kan de utvikles?
(Master thesis, 2015-08-14)Studien undersøker hvordan trenere, ledere og spillere i Norge fortolker dagens konkurransestruktur i tennis, og hvordan konkurransene kan utvikles videre for å få flere og bedre tennisspillere. Jeg har undersøkt hele ... -
Testing i kroppsøving: elevenes erfaringer med testing i faget i videregående skole
(Master thesis, 2013)Denne masteroppgaven handler om hvordan elever i videregående skole erfarer bruk av tester i kroppsøvingsfaget. Testing i kroppsøvingsfaget er et aktuelt tema, men det er gjort lite forskning på hvordan elever erfarer denne ... -
Testosterone and Skeletal Muscle Memory: The effects of testosterone on a C2C12 cell culture model of skeletal muscle memory
(Master thesis, 2023)Introduction: Testosterone is vital for skeletal muscle (SkM) development and exhibits a dose-response relationship with muscle characteristics. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms are not fully understood. Recent ... -
The association between acute chronic workload ratio and risk of groin problems among Norwegian male soccer players: a one season prospective cohort study
(Master thesis, 2017)Bakgrunn: Lyskeproblem forekommer hyppig og er et stort problem i fotball. Både høy og lav belastning øker risiko for idrettsskader. Acute:chronic workload ratio (ACWR) gir et tall på hvor forberedt idrettsutøvere er til ... -
The association between acute:chronic workload ratio and risk of injuries among elite youth football players: A 15-week prospective cohort study
(Master thesis, 2018)A high injury rate has been reported in elite youth football. Injuries can have detrimental consequences for the youth elite athlete, not only interrupting their personal and team chances of success, but also as a potential ... -
“The association between socioeconomic status and ethnicity on cardiorespiratory fitness and physical activity in Norwegian adolescents”
(Master thesis, 2017)Objective: To study the associations between socioeconomic status and ethnicity on cardiorespiratory fitness and physical activity levels. Research methods and procedures: The sample size was 707 9th grade adolescents from ... -
The association of self-reported health indices and psychosocial factors to stages of change in physical activity
(Master thesis, 2013)Background: Low levels of physical activity are a major risk factor for lifestyle diseases and mortality from all causes. Despite the well-known health benefits gained from physical activity, population levels of ... -
The body experience and stigmatizing experiences of two obese women
(Master thesis, 2015-10-13)This thesis addresses the themes body experiences in obese women and stigmatization of obesity. Both the prevalence of obesity and the prevalence of stigmatization of obesity is increasing. Also the amount of conducted ... -
The difference in pulmonary function, lung volume, and diffusion capacity and the effects of body composition in asthmatic and healthy endurance athletes and controls
(Master thesis, 2014)Background: Elite endurance athletes who daily exercise in unfavorable environments such as cold or polluted air is in increased risk for developing asthma. However, endurance athletes are reported to have greater pulmonary ... -
The dynamics of motivation during competition
(Master thesis, 2013)Previous studies on achievement motivation have not yet come to any clear consensus on how motivation can affect an athlete while performing. Based on achievement goal theory, this study aimed to show how changes in ... -
The effect of 8 weeks of stretching training on knee-joint range of motion and hamstring muscle archietcture
(Master thesis, 2012)Aim: The present study, therefore, was designed to investigate the effect of 8 weeks of flexibility training on knee joint range of motion and hamstring muscle architecture during active and passive joint movement. Hypotheses: ... -
The effect of a supervised exercise intervention on physical activity level in patients with Spondyloarthritis (SpA): 12-months follow-up of a multicenter randomized controlled trial
(Master thesis, 2018)Background: Exercise is an important part of the treatment for patients with axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA), both to limit the consequences of the disease and the risk of morbidities. Without proper treatment, the disease ... -
The effect of maximum strength training vs. combined strength/plyometrics training on strength and sprint performance in elite women's football: monitoring of training load and recovery
(Master thesis, 2014)This study consisted of two projects conducted in parallel. The aim of project I was to investigate the effect of, and difference between, two strength-training regimes over 10- weeks in female football players. The aim ... -
The effect of protein ingestion immediately following exhaustive endurance exercise on muscle glycogen resynthesis and performance
(Master thesis, 2014)Introduction: Endurance athletes often train two times at the same day. Energy intake during recovery may influence glycogen resynthesis and subsequent performance. The aim of the present study was to compare glycogen ... -
The effects of load bearing on muscle-tendon interaction during locomotion
(Master thesis, 2014)The purpose of this study was to investigate the separate and combined effects of speed and external loading on muscle-tendon interaction and length change during locomotion. We hypothesised that due to the increased ... -
The feasibility of a new task assessing knee control in female footballers: using EMG to measure muscle pre-activity during a side-cutting task
(Master thesis, 2017)Screening tasks for assessing risk of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury cannot predict injuries, and more challenging tasks for assessing knee control in athletes should be examined. Neuromuscular assessments of knee ...