Browsing Masteroppgaver / Master's theses by Title
Now showing items 1282-1301 of 1304
Wearable microsensor technology to measure physical activity demands in handball: a reliability study of inertial movement analysis and player load
(Master thesis, 2015-12-17)Purpose: Wearable microsensor technology allows for measurements of physical activity in team sports. To use this technology with confidence, it is critical to determine its reliability. Therefore, the purpose of this ... -
Weight loss methods and symptoms of eating disorders in Norwegian combat sports athletes: A cross-sectional study
(Master thesis, 2023)Purpose: To explore weight loss methods, eating disorder (ED) symptoms, explanatory factors, and differences in ED symptoms across gender, experience levels, and disciplines among a diverse sample of adult Norwegian combat ... -
What can SCUBA do for you?: a phenomenological exploration of the haptic sense in SCUBA diving for people with a disability
(Master thesis, 2016-08-22)Water provides a zero gravity environment, allowing people with limited motion to be granted freedom, to gain a sense of equality with other people in the water. Self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA) ... -
What happens after a physical activity intervention during pregnancy?: a 6-year follow-up, investigating the effects on mothers and offspring
(Master thesis, 2017)BACKGROUND: To date, there is very few studies investigating long-term effect on physical activity (PA) interventions during pregnancy, and none investigating the effect on PA levels. Also, few studies investigate how the ... -
What is the effect of supervised group exercise on maternal psychological outcomes and common pregnancy complaints?: A randomized controlled trial
(Master thesis, 2013)Background: Being pregnant is followed by several physiological changes and pregnancy symptoms, which have the potential to reduce quality of life and well-being for pregnant women. To date, there is scant knowledge about ... -
What is the effect of the FIFA 11+ injury prevention programme on eccentric knee flexor strength in adolescent elite male football players: a randomised controlled trial
(Master thesis, 2017)Background: The FIFA 11+ programme has been developed as a complete warm-up programme to prevent injuries in amateur football for players aged 14 or older. The majority of studies examining the effect of the FIFA 11+ ... -
What is the extent of growth-related injuries in the lower extremities in boys’ academy football players?: A one-season prospective cohort study
(Master thesis, 2023)Introduction: Youth academy football players have high injury rates and are prone to growth-related injuries, known as "apophysitis," which are unique to youth sports. These injuries affect the immature skeleton and commonly ... -
What is the fetal heart rate response to high-intensity interval training during pregnancy?: An experimental study
(Master thesis, 2023)Background: In the current literature it is established that exercise at moderate intensity during pregnancy is safe and provides several health benefits for the mother and fetus. However, few studies have investigated the ... -
Which motives do fitness club members describe to participate in regular exercise, and what barriers are perceived as obstacles?: A qualitative study
(Master thesis, 2024)Aim: Despite having access to exercise facilities, with a variety of equipment, and flexible opening hours, many fitness club members struggle to maintain a consistent exercise routine. Research suggests that both motivation ... -
“Who should I have asked?”: Norwegian elite athletes share their experiences and perspectives on pregnancy and motherhood
(Master thesis, 2023)Denne masteroppgaven er klausulert, og er IKKE TILGJENGELIG før desember 2024. -
Whom do they trust?: a cross-sectional study investigating the association between pregnant women's information sources and their behaviours regarding physical activity, weight gain and nutrition, as well as health care providers' practises with respect to giving advice
(Master thesis, 2016)BACKGROUND: To date, there is limited evidence investigating pregnant women’s information sources regarding physical activity (PA), gestational weight gain (GWG) and nutrition at late gestation. Further, no studies have ... -
“Why I asked for help”: Narratives from professional football players
(Master thesis, 2022)Using thematic analysis on narratives from professional male football players this study aimed to gain a more nuanced understanding of what triggers them to ask for help from a sport psychology consultant. Although there ... -
Women’s experiences from participating in all female arctic adventures
(Master thesis, 2016)Current understanding of the way in which females adventure and organise expeditions is widely unknown. This thesis explores the female concept of adventure with the intention to broaden the knowledge and awareness of ... -
Worksite Physical Activity Interventions and their effect on employees' sickness absence: a literature review
(Master thesis, 2016-08-16)Objective: To investigate the effect of physical exercise interventions, done in the workplace, on sickness absence. The review was done with special interest in progress in the intervention effect and design the last 5 ... -
World-class football players' visual exploratory behaviour: a close-up video analysis in UEFA Champions League matches
(Master thesis, 2016-08-22)The overall purpose of this study was to examine how football players explore the environment and use the information to prospectively control subsequent actions with the ball. A real world field study was conducted and ... -
«Yoga i fangenskap-følelsen av frihet. Innsattes erfaringer innenfor og utenfor fengslet»: En fenomenologisk undersøkelse om innsattes opplevelser av yoga
(Master thesis, 2021)Bakgrunn: Yoga som bevegelsesform/-tradisjon er i økende grad blir gitt som aktivitetstilbud samt behandling ved flere institusjoner. Flere av de norske fengslene tilbyr i dag yoga gjennom organisasjonen Gangster Yoga fra ... -
Yrkesfaglige- og studiespesialiserende elevers motivasjon for kroppsøving: En komparativ studie av elevers selvbestemte motivasjon for kroppsøving, basert på longitudinell data fra REPAC prosjektet
(Master thesis, 2018)De yrkesfaglige programmene i videregående opplæring opplever at flere elever ikke fullfører utdanningen sammenlignet med studieforberedende programmer (SSB, 2018). Alle studieprogrammer har samme antall kroppsøvingstimer ... -
Å lære i nye omgivelser: studentenes læringsutbytte i skolepraksis
(Master thesis, 2010)Denne oppgaven tar for seg praksisperioden til studentene i PPU-studiet på Norges idrettshøgskole, med studentenes læring i fokus. Temaet blir belyst ut ifra studentenes egne oppfatninger både før og etter en praksisperiode. ... -
Å nå toppen: hvilke psykologiske egenskaper kjennetegner norges fremste individuelle toppidrettsutøvere?: en kvalitativ studie av 5 norske toppidrettsutøvere i individuell idrett
(Master thesis, 2017)Formålet med denne studien var å undersøke hvordan noen av Norges fremste toppidrettsutøvere selv har erfart veien til suksess. Det var et ønske å kartlegge hvordan de har opplevd hverdagen som toppidrettsutøver vinklet ... -
Å se skogen for mer enn trær: En kvalitativ studie av hvordan elever og lærere i videregående skole omtaler nærmiljøets og stedets betydning for friluftslivsundervisningen i kroppsøvingsfaget
(Master thesis, 2020)Masteroppgaven har som intensjon å bidra med kunnskap om hvordan nærmiljø og lokale steder benyttes og oppleves av lærere og elever i skolens friluftslivsundervisning. Det empiriske materialet baserer seg på observasjoner ...