Browsing Masteroppgaver / Master's theses by Title
Now showing items 1164-1183 of 1311
The effect of 8 weeks of stretching training on knee-joint range of motion and hamstring muscle archietcture
(Master thesis, 2012)Aim: The present study, therefore, was designed to investigate the effect of 8 weeks of flexibility training on knee joint range of motion and hamstring muscle architecture during active and passive joint movement. Hypotheses: ... -
The effect of a supervised exercise intervention on physical activity level in patients with Spondyloarthritis (SpA): 12-months follow-up of a multicenter randomized controlled trial
(Master thesis, 2018)Background: Exercise is an important part of the treatment for patients with axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA), both to limit the consequences of the disease and the risk of morbidities. Without proper treatment, the disease ... -
The effect of maximum strength training vs. combined strength/plyometrics training on strength and sprint performance in elite women's football: monitoring of training load and recovery
(Master thesis, 2014)This study consisted of two projects conducted in parallel. The aim of project I was to investigate the effect of, and difference between, two strength-training regimes over 10- weeks in female football players. The aim ... -
The effect of protein ingestion immediately following exhaustive endurance exercise on muscle glycogen resynthesis and performance
(Master thesis, 2014)Introduction: Endurance athletes often train two times at the same day. Energy intake during recovery may influence glycogen resynthesis and subsequent performance. The aim of the present study was to compare glycogen ... -
The effects of load bearing on muscle-tendon interaction during locomotion
(Master thesis, 2014)The purpose of this study was to investigate the separate and combined effects of speed and external loading on muscle-tendon interaction and length change during locomotion. We hypothesised that due to the increased ... -
The feasibility of a new task assessing knee control in female footballers: using EMG to measure muscle pre-activity during a side-cutting task
(Master thesis, 2017)Screening tasks for assessing risk of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury cannot predict injuries, and more challenging tasks for assessing knee control in athletes should be examined. Neuromuscular assessments of knee ... -
The importance and viability of implementing outdoor environmental education: a comparative study between schools in Colombia
(Master thesis, 2014)Environmental Education (EE) is a relatively new field which was internationally recognized in 1977. Moreover, it has been described as a multidisciplinary subject because it encompasses elements of diverse areas of study ... -
The intra- and inter-tester reliability of the Modified Star Excursion Balance Test with Hand Reaches
(Master thesis, 2016-08-22)Context: One of the physical factors of athletic performance is mobility. The relationship between mobility and physical performance has long been debated, but several recent studies have concluded that the reason for ... -
The motivational process in youth soccer: A self-determination theory perspective : a quantitative study on the relationships between coach behavior, need satisfaction, enjoyment and performance anxiety in youth soccer players
(Master thesis, 2013)With regard to the physical, social and psychological benefits (Sallis & Patrick, 1994; Larson, 2000), youth sport participation becomes imperative to facilitate and encourage. In order to do so, it is crucial to further ... -
The physical activity health paradox: Occupational and leisure-time physical activity and number of pain sites in construction and healthcare workers during a 2-year follow up
(Master thesis, 2019)Background: Occupational physical activity (OPA) is often associated with higher prevalence of musculoskeletal pain, while leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) is associated with health benefits. The purpose of this study ... -
“The relationship between physical activity and health related quality of life among people with mental disorders”
(Master thesis, 2015)Background: Mental disorders are among the largest public health issues globally and the prevalence is growing. Physical inactivity is increasing worldwide and people with mental disorders are often less physically active ... -
The role of joy in outdoor adventure educational programs: exploring the relationship between risk management, joy and learning outcomes within outdoor adventure educational programs
(Master thesis, 2016)This thesis was designed to answer two questions. The first aim was to establish the role of joy within OAEP. A definition of the term joy was required and its role within OAEP. Joy was established as a positive emotion, ... -
The role of outdoor activities in the individual empowerment of women in Pakistan: male and femal perspectives
(Master thesis, 2014)The purpose of this research is to find out ―The role of outdoor activities in the Individual Empowerment of Women in Pakistan: Male and Female perspectives.‖ Under the light of the views of the informants individual ... -
The role of social media in creating a hot spot mountaineering destination: the Trolltunga case
(Master thesis, 2018)The study is to show how social media can create hotspot mountaineering destination from the remote wild place. It is the detailed study on the link of social media and hiking experience in Trolltunga. Trolltunga is used ... -
The study of perfectionism, self-acceptance and motivation in Norwegian vocational dance students
(Master thesis, 2012)Being a professional dancer, like an elite athlete, is characterized by extreme physicaland psychological demands, strict discipline, high commitment and with a pressure and pursuit to perform flawlessly. Due to the ... -
The transition from academy to professional football: an examination of factors influencing players' progression when encountering and adapting to a first team context
(Master thesis, 2015)Based on the transitional phases outlined in Jones et al. (2014), the main objective of this study was to examine factors influencing players’ progression when encountering and adapting to a first team context in the ... -
TIL-Mentaliteten: En kvalitativ casestudie av hvordan folk i og rundt Tromsø IL beskriver mentaliteten i klubben
(Master thesis, 2020)Forskning innenfor mentale aspekter i fotball har i senere år blitt skrevet mer om. Likevel er det få publiserte forskningsartikler som omhandler mentaliteten i ett spesifikt miljø eller klubb. Denne masteroppgaven omhandler ... -
«Tilpasset opplæring er noe vi gjør, men vi snakker ikke om det»: En kvalitativ studie om lærere og skoleleders erfaringer med tilpasset opplæring og inkludering i kroppsøvingsfaget ved en barneskole.
(Master thesis, 2022)Denne masteroppgaven er en kvalitativ studie som har som mål å belyse hvordan skoleleder og kroppsøvingslærere erfarer arbeidet med tilpasset opplæring og inkludering i skolen, og da spesifikt i kroppsøvingsfaget. Tidligere ... -
Tilpasset treningsprogram for kneartrose i kombinasjon med hyaluronsyreinjeksjon: En single subject design studie
(Master thesis, 2013)Introduksjon: Artrose er en av de vanligste årsakene til smerter (Flugsrud et al., 2010). Trening og vektreduksjon er grunnpilarene i behandlingen av kneartrose, (Fransen & McConnell, 2008; Lohmander & Roos, 2007). Mange ... -
Tilrettelegging av egenorganisert aktivitet i snowboardklubber: en kvalitativ casestudie av fire snowboardklubber
(Master thesis, 2015-10-22)Hensikten med denne studien er å undersøke hvordan egenorganisert aktivitet blir tilrettelagt for i fire snowboardklubber, sett i lys av interessentteori. Studiens forskningsspørsmål er: Hvordan påvirker interessenter ...