Running with Dewey: An alternative running program in 2. year high shool physical education
This study is based on an action research project labeled “Running with Dewey” implemented in a
2.year High School Physical Education class. The purpose of the project was to analyze students´
response to a running program based on experience learning. 8 students participated in alternative
Physical Education for 8 weeks. The action research project facilitated an autonomy supportive and
reflection supportive climate, where students were individually given the freedom to choose their own
form of running, and reflect on questions concerning the experience of running after each lesson. The
data collection consists of participant observation, reflection questions, and personal interviews. The
findings show that many students have experienced running in former Physical Education as primarily
unenjoyable. The education has primarily been based on teacher instruction with no possibilities for
individual involvement in, choice of, or reflection on the experience. Due to the possibility to choose a
form of running they like, the students appreciated the autonomy supportive climate in the project.
There are large individual differences in what form of running the different students prefer. The
findings indicate that when personal needs guide the form of running, and the students are encouraged
to reflect upon their experience, the students experience the running as more enjoyable.
Masteroppgave - Norges idrettshøgskole, 2012