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dc.contributor.authorSolligard, Torbjørn
dc.contributor.authorSchwellnus, Martin
dc.contributor.authorAlonso, Juan-Manuel
dc.contributor.authorBahr, Roald
dc.contributor.authorClarsen, Benjamin Matthew
dc.contributor.authorDjikstra, H Paul
dc.contributor.authorGabbett, Tim
dc.contributor.authorGleeson, Michael
dc.contributor.authorHägglund, Martin
dc.contributor.authorHutchinson, Mark R.
dc.contributor.authorvan Rensburg, Christa Janse
dc.contributor.authorKhan, Karim M.
dc.contributor.authorMeeusen, Romain
dc.contributor.authorOrchard, John W.
dc.contributor.authorPluim, Babette M.
dc.contributor.authorRaftery, Martin
dc.contributor.authorBudgett, Richard
dc.contributor.authorEngebretsen, Lars
dc.identifier.citationBritish Journal of Sports Medicine. 2016, 50, 1030-1041.nb_NO
dc.description© 2016 The Author(s). This is an Open Access article.
dc.description.abstractAthletes participating in elite sports are exposed to high training loads and increasingly saturated competition calendars. Emerging evidence indicates that poor load management is a major risk factor for injury. The International Olympic Committee convened an expert group to review the scientific evidence for the relationship of load (defined broadly to include rapid changes in training and competition load, competition calendar congestion, psychological load and travel) and health outcomes in sport. We summarise the results linking load to risk of injury in athletes, and provide athletes, coaches and support staff with practical guidelines to manage load in sport. This consensus statement includes guidelines for (1) prescription of training and competition load, as well as for (2) monitoring of training, competition and psychological load, athlete well-being and injury. In the process, we identified research priorities.nb_NO
dc.titleHow much is too much? (Part 1): International Olympic Committee consensus statement on load in sport and risk of injurynb_NO
dc.typeJournal articlenb_NO
dc.typePeer reviewednb_NO
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Social science: 200::Social science in sports: 330::Other subjects within physical education: 339nb_NO
dc.source.journalBritish Journal of Sports Medicine
dc.description.localcodeSeksjon for idrettsmedisinske fag / Department of Sports Medicinenb_NO

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