Browsing Brage NIH by Title
Now showing items 2624-2643 of 3538
Race analysis in competitive swimming: A narrative review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Researchers have quantified swimming races for several decades to provide objective information on race strategy and characteristics. The purpose of the present review was to summarize knowledge established in the literature ... -
Radial and oblique impact testing of alpine helmets onto snow surfaces
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Recent studies have found that alpine helmets reduce the risk of focal injuries associated with radial impacts, which is likely due to current alpine helmet standards requiring helmets to be drop-tested on flat anvils with ... -
Randomised controlled trial of a complex intervention by primary care nurses to increase walking in patients aged 60–74 years: Protocol of the PACE-Lift (Pedometer Accelerometer Consultation Evaluation - Lift) trial
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-01-04)Physical activity is essential for older people's physical and mental health and for maintaining independence. Guidelines recommend at least 150 minutes weekly, of at least moderate intensity physical activity, with ... -
A randomized controlled trial of a blended physical literacy intervention to support physical activity and health of primary school children
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background: The concept of physical literacy (PL) has been advocated as the need to create environments fostering sustainable engagement in PA. This study adopted ecological approach to evaluate the effectiveness of a ... -
Randomized trial of cardiovascular prevention in Norway combining an in-hospital lifestyle course with primary care follow-up: The Hjerteløftet study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Aims: Cardiovascular risk factor control is suboptimal in Europe, including Norway. The present study examined the efficacy of a multimodal primary prevention intervention programme based on the existing Norwegian health ... -
Randonee - en økende trend blant kvinner?: En kvalitativ studie som undersøker utøvelsen av randonee blant kvinner
(Master thesis, 2019)Dette er en masteroppgave i idrettsvitenskap, skrevet ved seksjon for kultur og samfunn ved Norges Idrettshøgskole (NIH). Jeg har i dette prosjektet studert randonee som et sosialt fenomen blant kvinner. Prosjektet undersøker ... -
Ranking robot-assisted surgery skills using kinematic sensors
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Assessing surgical skills is an essential part of medical performance evaluation and expert training. Since it is typically conducted as a subjective task by individuals, it may lead to misinterpretations of the skill ... -
Ranking surgical skills using an attention-enhanced Siamese network with piecewise aggregated kinematic data
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Purpose: Surgical skill assessment using computerized methods is considered to be a promising direction in objective performance evaluation and expert training. In a typical architecture for computerized skill assessment, ... -
Rapid radiochemical filter paper assay for determination of hexokinase activity and affinity for glucose-6-phosphate
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Glucose phosphorylation by hexokinase (HK) is a rate-limiting step in glucose metabolism. Regulation of HK includes feedback inhibition by its product glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) and mitochondria binding. HK affinity for G6P ... -
«’Rase’ og etnisitet? Det kan ikke jeg si noe særlig om – her er det ’Blenda-hvitt’!»: Lærerutdanneres diskurser om hvithet, «rase» og (anti)rasisme
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-05)Som ledd i arbeidet for «å forstyrre» («interrupt» jf. MacLure 2003) tatt-for-gitte ideer om «rase» og å utvikle en antirasistisk pedagogikk, fokuserer artikkelen på lærerutdanneres diskurser om «rase» og (anti)rasisme i ... -
Rate of force development relationships to muscle architecture and contractile behavior in the human vastus lateralis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In this study, we tested the hypotheses that (i) rate of force development (RFD) is correlated to muscle architecture and dynamics and that (ii) force–length–velocity properties limit knee extensor RFD. Twenty-one healthy ... -
Raufoss! fotball og fabrikk : en historisk undersøkelse om dannelsen og utviklingen av en fotballklubb på industristedet Raufoss frem til 1980
(Master thesis, 2009)Raufoss som industristed oppstod etter en politisk beslutning i 1896, da staten flyttet hovedarsenalet i Kristiania(Oslo) til Raufoss på grunn av unionskonflikten med svenskene. Dette medførte en befolkningstilstrømning ... -
(Re)conceptualizing institutional change in sport management contexts: the unintended consequences of sport organizations? everyday organizational life
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Research question: The purpose of this paper is to construct empirically grounded concepts that can aid the explanation of processes of institutional change. This effort is guided by the observation that neither ... -
Re-embodiment: incorporation through embodied learning of wheelchair skills.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)In this article, the notion of re-embodiment is developed to include the ways that rearrangement and renewals of body schema take place in rehabilitation. More specifically, the embodied learning process of acquiring ... -
Re-examination of accelerometer data processing and calibration for the assessment of physical activity intensity
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This review re‐examines the use of accelerometer and oxygen uptake data for the assessment of activity intensity. Accelerometers capture mechanical work, while oxygen uptake captures the energy cost of this work. Frequency ... -
Readiness for return to sport in non-surgically treated patients with anterior cruciate ligament injury following a public municipal rehabilitation program
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Objectives: To investigate the proportion of patients that pass a return to sport (RTS) test battery and assess changes in patient-reported outcomes and lower extremity muscle strength following three months of exericse-based ... -
A real game examination of visual perception in soccer: testing the relationship between exploration frequency and performance in young and talented players
(Master thesis, 2010)The main purpose of this study was to test the relationship between visual exploratory activity and performance in real world soccer games by employing field analysis. In line with former research of adult expert soccer ... -
Receiving and giving autonomy support among teammates in competitive youth football: A cross-sectional study
(Master thesis, 2022)Youth competitive sports is a salient social arena for youth athletes to develop physically, technically, psychologically, and socially in fellowship. Still, there is insufficient empirical evidence of peer motivational ... -
Recognition in sport: love, rights and solidarity
(Doctoral thesis, 2016-10-10)The main research question in this thesis is why sport morally matters, or, reframed in Honneth’s terminology, what is the potential of sport as a sphere for recognition? I have argued for the relevance of Honneth’s ... -
Recommendations for determining the validity of consumer wearable and smartphone step count: Expert statement and checklist of the INTERLIVE network
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Consumer wearable and smartphone devices provide an accessible means to objectively measure physical activity (PA) through step counts. With the increasing proliferation of this technology, consumers, practitioners and ...