Browsing Brage NIH by Author "Gurholt, Kirsti Pedersen"
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
Curious play: children’s exploration of nature
Gurholt, Kirsti Pedersen; Sanderud, Jostein Rønning (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)This article explores the concept of ‘curious play’ as a theoretical framework to understand and communicate children’s experiences of free play in nature. The concept emerged interactively from three sources of inspiration: ... -
"Det har bare vært naturlig": friluftsliv, kjønn og kulturelle brytninger
Gurholt, Kirsti Pedersen (Doctoral thesis, 1999)1993 var Friluftslivets år i Norge. Denne markeringen av friluftslivets betydning i norsk kultur og hverdagsliv falt sammen med feiringen av Den norske turistforenings 125 års jubileum. Det sammenfallet er ikke tilfeldig. ... -
Didactic sensitivity to children and place: a contribution to outdoor education cultures
Sanderud, Jostein Rønning; Gurholt, Kirsti Pedersen; Moe, Vegard Fusche (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)There is a tendency in European education policy to emphasise more and better deliberate learning outcomes. The tendency is criticised for taking an instrumental view of education [Biesta, G. (2010). Good education in an ... -
Forvaltning av tilgang til strandsonen og allemannsretten ved Oslofjorden: Kvalitativ analyse av hva som fremmer og hemmer friluftslivsbruk av strandsonen og fjorden
Gurholt, Kirsti Pedersen; Lund, Lisbeth Kronsted (Miljødirektoratet: Publikasjon;M-2750, Report, 2024)Rapporten presenterer resultater fra kvalitative analyser av politisk-administrative dokumenter, planleggings- og informasjonsmateriell, kvalitative intervjuer og feltobservasjoner som ledd i forskningsprosjektet ... -
Governance of nature-based health promotion: Public policy and volunteer organisations’ innovations of outdoor activities among urban youth
Gurholt, Kirsti Pedersen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article explores multilevel governance networking and innovation to better understand how nature-based public health can be promoted at a grassroot level within an urban context. Hence, the leading research question ... -
KORTVERSJON Studie av friluftsliv blant barn og unge i Oslo: Sosial ulikhet og sosial utjevning
Gurholt, Kirsti Pedersen; Torp, Ida Helene Dahl; Eriksen, Jørgen Weidemann (Research report, 2020)Formålene og kunnskapsbehovet som ligger til grunn for Studie av friluftsliv blant barn og unge i Oslo: Sosial ulikhet og sosial utjevning, kan sammenfattes i to overordnede problemstillinger: • Hvordan kan sosial ulikhet ... -
Outdoor life, nature experience, and sports in Norway: tensions and dilemmas in the preservation and use of urban forest
Gurholt, Kirsti Pedersen; Broch, Trygve B. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-11-16)How should contemporary societies promote physical activity in nature and preservation of the natural environment? Outdoor life occupies a central and contested position on this question in the Nordic countries. In Norway, ... -
Studie av friluftsliv blant barn og unge i Oslo: Sosial ulikhet og sosial utjevning
Gurholt, Kirsti Pedersen; Torp, Ida Helene Dahl; Eriksen, Jørgen Weidemann (Research report, 2020)Rapporten Studie av friluftsliv blant barn og unge i Oslo er resultatet av et forskningsprosjekt som Norges idrettshøgskole (NIH) har utført på oppdrag for Oslo kommune ved Bymiljøetaten. Studien er en bestilling fra ... -
What future/s for outdoor and environmental education in a world that has contended with COVID-19?
Quay, John; Gray, Tonia; Thomas, Glyn; Allan-Craig, Sandy; Asfeldt, Morten; Andkjær, Søren; Beames, Simon; Cosgriff, Marg; Dyment, Janet; Higgins, Pete; Ho, Susanna; Leather, Mark; Mitten, Denise; Morse, Marcus; Neill, James; North, Chris; Passy, Rowena; Gurholt, Kirsti Pedersen; Polley, Scott; Stewart, Alistair; Takano, Takako; Waite, Sue; Foley, Dorothy (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This is an unusual article in that it brings together the perspectives of many on this journal’s editorial board, around the issue of contending with COVID-19. Twenty statements showcase a range of thoughts and experiences, ... -
Whose blue healthy spaces?: A scoping study on blue health promotion and recreation, planning and management
Lund, Lisbeth Kronsted; Gurholt, Kirsti Pedersen; Kaae, Berit C. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study reviews the research literature on blue health promotion and the value of multiple forms of coastal and marine recreation and activities across societal contexts, with contributions from the Nordic region. It ... -
‘Winter children’ : an ethnographically inspired study of children being-and-becoming well-versed in snow and ice
Sanderud, Jostein Rønning; Gurholt, Kirsti Pedersen; Moe, Vegard Fusche (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)For many children living in Northern and mountainous regions of the world, playing in snow is enticing and connotes childhood for many adults. Even so, researchers have paid little attention to children’s play in/with snow ...