• Classification in sport: A question of fairness 

      Loland, Sigmund (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Competitor classification schemes have been a part of sport since its origins. Eligibility criteria have developed towards inclusion and increasing diversity. The pool of competitors has expanded from the ancient Olympic ...
    • Ethical aspects in research in adapted physical activity 

      Bredahl, Anne-Mette (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2008-08)
      This paper discusses some of the ethical aspects in research in adapted Physical Activity (APA). It indicates some of the ethical challenges related to the choice of research problemto be investigated, and the treatment ...
    • Ethics of technologically constructed hypoxic environments in sport 

      Loland, Sigmund; Caplan, Arthur (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2008-07-08)
      With the use of technologically constructed hypoxic environments (TCHE) in soccer as our case, we propose four check points from which to evaluate new performance-enhancing technologies in sport. These are (I) Is the ...
    • Justifying anti-doping: The fair opportunity principle and the biology of performance enhancement 

      Loland, Sigmund; Hoppeler, Hans (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-10-28)
      Doping is a complex moral and scientific dilemma and its prevention has led to a costly but less than perfect control system implemented worldwide by the World Anti-doping Agency (WADA). For a substance or method to be ...
    • Loophole ethics in sports 

      Kvalens, Øyvind; Hemmestad, Liv B. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      Ethical challenges in sports occur when the practitioners are caught between the will to win and the overall task of staying within the realm of acceptable values and virtues. One way to prepare for these challenges is to ...
    • Performance-Enhancing Drugs, Sport, and the Ideal of Natural Athletic Performance 

      Loland, Sigmund (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The use of certain performance-enhancing drugs (PED) is banned in sport. I discuss critically standard justifications of the ban based on arguments from two widely used criteria: fairness and harms to health. I argue that ...
    • Sport, stories and morality: a Rortyan approach to doping ethics 

      Sandvik, Morten Renslo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Stories pervade sport. In elite spectator sport, stories play out in packed stadiums while being broadcast simultaneously to immense TV audiences. These stories, which present controversial goals, great comebacks, underdog ...
    • Sport-related concussion research agenda beyond medical science: Culture, ethics, science, policy 

      McNamee, Mike; Anderson, Lynley C.; Borry, Pascal; Camporesi, Silvia; Derman, Wayne; Holm, Søren; Knox, Taryn Rebecca; Leuridan, Bert; Loland, Sigmund; Lorusso, Ludovica; Malcolm, Dominic; McArdle, David; Partridge, Brad; Schramme, Thomas; Frias, Francisco Javier Lopez; Weed, Mike (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The Concussion in Sport Group guidelines have successfully brought the attention of brain injuries to the global medical and sport research communities, and has significantly impacted brain injury-related practices and ...
    • The exercise pill: should we replace exercise with pharmaceutical means? 

      Loland, Sigmund (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      New physiological and pharmacological research points to the possibility of a pill that produces the complete physiological effects of exercise. Is replacement of exercise with a pill a good idea? And if so, under what ...
    • Young Athletes’ Perceptions of Coach-Athlete Sexual Relationships: Engaging with Competing Ethics 

      Stefansen, Kari; Solstad, Gerd Marie; Strandbu, Åse; Hansen, Maria Louise (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      In this paper, we use data from focus group interviews with young athletes to explore their thinking about coach-athlete sexual relationships (CASRs). Our aim is to further the understanding of the ambivalence surrounding ...