Norges idrettshøgskole
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Artikler / Articles [2235]
Publikasjoner fra Cristin [1224]
Recent Submissions
Livsstilsidretters egenart: Forståelsen for freeskiere sin motivasjon som inspirasjon til et kroppsøvingsfag for alle
(Master thesis, 2024)Dette er en masteroppgave ved Norges Idrettshøyskole, institutt for lærerutdanning og friluftslivstudier. Flere studier indikerer at dagens kroppsøvingsfag er preget av tradisjoner og diskurser, og i mindre grad tilpasset ... -
Viktigheten av motivasjon for økt fotballdeltakelse: Et motivasjonsperspektiv på frafallsproblematikken blant unge fotballspillere i Møre og Romsdal
(Master thesis, 2024)Bakgrunn for studien: Forskning har vist en økning i frafall blant ungdommers deltakelse i lagidrett. Frafallsproblematikken er svært kompleks, og det er flere faktorer som kan påvirke spilleres motivasjon og valg om å ... -
Fantasy idrett sin påvirkning på supporterskapet til den tradisjonelle supporter: En kvalitativ studie som utforsker endring i supporterskapet til en tradisjonell supporter som følge av fantasy deltakelse
(Master thesis, 2024)I dette masterprosjektet så har jeg utforsket forholdet mellom deltakelse i Fantasy Premier League, og hvordan påvirkning av engasjement for FPL, har vært med å endre supporterskapet til en tradisjonell supporter. Bakgrunnen ... -
Talentutvikling i norsk og engelsk toppfotball: En kvalitativ studie av hvordan klubber i Toppserien og Women's Super League organiserer sin talentutvikling
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg hvordan toppfotballklubber i England og Norge organiserer sitt talentutviklingsprogram. Det anvendte teoretiske rammeverket inkluderer ny-institusjonell teori, ressursavhengighetsteori og ... -
Sustainability for Women in High Performance Coaching: A Qualitative Study on the Role of High Performance Leadership in Facilitating Healthy Work-Life Balance in High Performance Coaching
(Master thesis, 2024)Background. Female high performance (HP) coaches remain underrepresented in HP sports. One of the challenges to this is maintaining a healthy work-life balance within a profession known for its dedication to excellence. ... -
Assessing the individual relationships between physical test improvements and external load match parameters in male professional football players: A brief report
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Purpose: This study aimed to explore whether a meaningful improvement in physical performance following an in-season strength training intervention can be related to external load match parameters at an individual level ... -
Built for movement: Neighborhoods and adolescent physical activity behaviors, and the moderating role of socioeconomic position and gender
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This study examined whether the built environment was associated with physical activity among adolescents in Oslo, Norway, and the role of socioeconomic position and gender as potential moderators of this association. We ... -
Exploring the interplay of interpersonal and contextual dynamics in youth sports injuries: A comprehensive narrative review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Injuries are recognised in sports and exercise medicine as not isolated incidents but complex outcomes. This is because an athlete’s health trajectory is understood to be shaped by dynamic, complex linkages between individual ... -
Sport humanism: Contours of a humanist theory of sport
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The world of sports today is grappling with dehumanizing tendencies. New technologies are changing sport as we know it, altering the experience of being an athlete in radical ways. These tendencies call for new approaches ... -
Individualized technique feedback for instant technique improvements and knee abduction moment reductions: A new approach for ‘sidestepping’ ACL injuries?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: Sidestep cutting technique is highly individual and has been shown to influence knee joint loading. However, studies assessing whether individualized technique feedback improves technique and ACL injury-relevant ... -
Cool mama: Temperature regulation during high-intensity interval running in pregnant elite and recreational athletes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background/Objective: Regular exercise during pregnancy is beneficial, but athletes often exceed the recommended 150 min of moderate-intensity activity, incorporate high-intensity exercises. The upper limit for exercise ... -
Effect of increased shoe longitudinal bending stiffness on ankle and foot biomechanics in jump-cut movements of low and high degrees
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Lateral ankle sprains are the most common injuries in indoor and court sports, with ankle inversion being a primary injury driver. Stabilising the ankle during multidirectional changes is crucial for injury prevention. ... -
Physical activity behaviors and screen time in young childhood cancer survivors: The Physical Activity in Childhood Cancer Survivors Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Purpose: In childhood cancer survivors (CCS), high physical activity (PA) and low sedentary time may reduce risks of late-effects. PA behaviors and screen time, and how they relate to moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) in CCS, ... -
Task-specific differences in lower limb biomechanics during dynamic movements in individuals with chronic ankle instability compared with controls
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: Chronic ankle instability (CAI) has been associated with lower limb deficits that can lead to altered biomechanics during dynamic tasks. There have been contradictory findings in terms of ankle and hip joint ... -
Five-year follow-up of the OptiTrain trial on concurrent resistance and high-intensity interval training during chemotherapy for patients with breast cancer
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The protocol predefined aim of this study is to assess sustained effects of the OptiTrain trial on several health outcomes, 5 years after the baseline assessment. The OptiTrain study was a prospective, randomised controlled ... -
Improving teaching and movement strategies for skill learning and performance in skilled and elite alpine ski racers
(Doctoral thesis, 2024)Background and aims. In recent decades, cognitive science has made great strides in understanding the mechanisms underlying skill learning. This knowledge has inspired ideas on how to achieve better learning by leveraging ... -
Independent, Stratified, and Joint Associations of Sedentary Time and Physical Activity With Cardiovascular Disease: A Systematic Review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: Recent statistics highlight cardiovascular diseases (CVD) as a major global cause of death. This review examines the methodological approaches and the main results of independent, stratified, and joint association ... -
Machine Learning-Driven Phenogrouping and Cardiorespiratory Fitness Response in Metastatic Breast Cancer
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Purpose The magnitude of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) impairment during anticancer treatment and CRF response to aerobic exercise training (AT) are highly variable. The aim of this ancillary analysis was to leverage ... -
Diskurser i toppfotballmiljø blant unge mannlige toppfotballspillere: Hvordan har det betydning for deres væremåter og treningstilnærming, og hvilken innvirkning kan det ha for deres utvikling
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne studien har som formål å kartlegge diskurser i form av de dominerende normative strukturene og holdningene som eksisterer blant mannlige junior elitefotballspillere i Norge, og undersøke hvordan diskurser påvirker ... -
"Konflikt mellom Norges Skiforbund og utøvere om bruk av bilderettigheter."
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker konflikten mellom Norges Skiforbund (NSF) og norske alpint utøvere angående eierskap og forvaltning av bilderettigheter, samt finansiering gjennom sponsormidler. I en tid hvor individuell ...