Doktorgradsavhandlinger / PhD Dissertations
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Recent Submissions
Social relations in organised youth sport: Networks, gender, status, friends and education
(Doctoral thesis, 2024)Organised sport is an important social arena for Norwegian youth, but there is still a lot to learn about how sport operates as a venue for socialisation. The main goal of this dissertation is to gain a better understanding ... -
Exploring the influence of resistance training volume, intensity, and diet on skeletal muscle adaptations
(Doctoral thesis, 2024)Background and Aims. Progressive resistance training programs continue to stand out as the cornerstone for enhancing both maximal strength and muscle mass in individuals. The varied muscle adaptations observed in individuals ... -
Sustainable Development Goals through Sport: An Analysis of Policy Implementation in Ghana
(Doctoral thesis, 2024)Introduction: The explicit mention of sport as an enabler for sustainable development in the United Nations’ Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development policy document marked a significant development ... -
Young athletes and performance enhancement: A social-constructivist perspective
(Doctoral thesis, 2024)For elite athletes, improving their performance is the central focus of their sporting lives. This principle extends to young aspiring athletes who invest significant effort today to become tomorrow’s heroes. In this thesis, ... -
Skogens "blå bånd": Fremveksten av Oslomarka som friluftsområde
(Doctoral thesis, 2021)Avhandlingen omhandler Oslomarkas fremvekst og tilblivelse som friluftsområde for befolkningen i Oslo og tilgrensende distrikter. I avhandlingen argumenterer jeg for at det først er i mellomkrigstida at Marka endelig vokser ... -
Physiological and perceived exertion responses to training and match load in football: External and internal load, neuromuscular fatigue, muscle damage, and recovery
(Doctoral thesis, 2024)A tight match schedule in elite football makes it challenging to balance training and match load with recovery and rest. Being able to reliably measure the external load and understand how a given amount of load affects ... -
The darker side of youth sport: Unraveling psychosocial factors driving health - compromising behaviors among adolescent athletes
(Doctoral thesis, 2024)Background: The overall aim of this research project was to increase understanding of the psychosocial factors that influence health-compromising behaviors among young athletes. To achieve this, an integrative social ... -
Hamstring injuries in women's football: Building the foundation for future hamstring injury prevention
(Doctoral thesis, 2024)Introduction: Training and match demands in women’s football have soared during the last decades and may have altered the risk for injury and illness players face. To develop effective preventive measures tailored to the ... -
Exercise and the Pelvic Floor
(Doctoral thesis, 2024)Background: Exercise and strenuous work have been suggested, but not established, as possible risk factors for pelvic floor disorders (PFD) in women. Urinary incontinence (UI) has been shown to be highly prevalent in the ... -
‘The How of Decision-Making.’: A Qualitative Investigation of Student Decision- Making When Learning in Physical Education
(Doctoral thesis, 2024)The thematic focus of this article-based dissertation is student decision-making in connection to student learning in physical education (PE). Based on a review of previous Norwegian and international PE literature, the ... -
Sexual Harassment and Abuse among Adolescent Elite athletes, Recreational athletes, and Reference students: A prospective cohort study among high school students in Norway
(Doctoral thesis, 2023)Background: All athletes have the right to participate in “safe sport”. Although sports participation is associated with many health benefits, the sport context also suffers from negative experiences like sexual harassment ... -
Physical activity, fitness, and cardiovascular disease risk in childhood cancer survivors: The Physical Activity in Childhood Cancer Survivors (PACCS) study
(Doctoral thesis, 2023)Background: Childhood cancer survivors face an increased risk of late effects from cancer treatment. Physical activity may modify the risk of common late effects, such as cardiovascular disease (CVD). Evidence concerning ... -
Too perfect to be healthy?: A quantitative and qualitative study of perfectionism, expectations, and mental health among students aged 13-16 in specialized sports, performing arts and regular lower secondary school
(Doctoral thesis, 2023)Background: Concerns have been raised among practitioners and researchers about the increasing professionalization of young performers, which may generate negative experiences resulting from high expectations, perfectionism, ... -
Diastasis Recti Abdominis: An issue postpartum?
(Doctoral thesis, 2023)Background: Diastasis recti abdominis (DRA) is defined as an impairment with midline separation of the two rectus abdominis muscles bellies along the linea alba. It is a prevalent condition in the postpartum period with ... -
Helse som didaktisk fenomen i kroppsøvingsfaget: En multimetodisk studie om undervisning om helse på ungdomstrinnet.
(Doctoral thesis, 2023)Temaet for denne avhandlingen er undervisning om helse i kroppsøvingsfaget. Over lang tid har helse vært et aspekt ved faget og politiske styringsdokumenter tydeliggjør at elever skal få kunnskaper om helse gjennom ... -
Improving the Methodology of Training Load and Injury Risk Research: An Analysis of Analyses
(Doctoral thesis, 2023)Background: Sport injuries burden professional and recreational athletes. In 2021, Norwegian hospitals operated 1 462 anterior cruciate ligaments, and 62% of these happened during sports activity. To prevent injuries, it ... -
Understanding volleyball injuries: The etiology and burden associated with the sport’s most common injuries
(Doctoral thesis, 2023)Volleyball is a fast-paced, hard-hitting sport that requires its athletes to perform a large volume of jumps and overhead attacks. As a result, most injuries in volleyball involve the ankle, knee, back, hand/fingers, and ... -
Spillets gang!: En institusjonell etnografisk undersøkelse om kjønn, makt og styring i idrettsorganisasjonen i Norge
(Doctoral thesis, 2023)Idrettsorganisasjonen i Norge er en medlemsorganisasjon uten økonomiske formål, basert på demokratiske samhandlingsformer1. Ifølge Lov for Norges Idrettsforbund og olympiske og paralympiske komité (NIF) skal organisasjonens ... -
Long-term clinical, functional, physical activity, and radiographic outcomes a er anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction or rehabilitation alone
(Doctoral thesis, 2022)Introduction: Current literature does not demonstrate superior outcomes after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction (ACLR) compared with progressive rehabilitation alone. ACL injured patients are, however, a ... -
«Kjærlighed», «Sportsgribbe» og «Cirkusartister»: Amatørførestillingar i norsk idrettsoffentlegheit 1866-1907
(Doctoral thesis, 2022)Seinhausten 1907 blei fire norske kjende skiløparar fråtekne amatørverdigheita si av Norsk idrætsblad. Dei hadde takka ja til å bli med i eit revynummer i Hippodromen i London, der dei skulle hoppa på ski, innandørs. Ei ...