Browsing Doktorgradsavhandlinger / PhD Dissertations by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 175
A kinematic and kinetic study of alpine skiing technique in slalom
(Doctoral thesis, 2010)Despite a large body of lay and professional literature covering numerous aspects of alpine skiing technique, only a limited number of published scientific investigations have examined the relationship between skier ... -
A randomized controlled trial of physical exercise- and dietary therapy versus cognitive behavior therapy: Treatment effects for women with bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorder
(Doctoral thesis, 2018)Background: Eating disorders (EDs) are among the top ten of the gender and age adjusted global burden of diseases in terms of poor quality of life, affecting young women in particular. Less than half of the persons with ... -
Acute and long-term weight loss and weight gain in elite athletes: influences on body composition and performance
(Doctoral thesis, 2011)Many athletes attempt to change their weight in order to enhance their competitive performance level. Weight loss is generally motivated by a desire to optimise performance by improving power to weight ratio, making ... -
Acute hamstring injuries : diagnosis and prognosis
(Doctoral thesis, 2018)Introduction: Acute hamstring injury is one of the most common non-contact muscle injuries in sports. The incidence remains high, causing a significant loss of time from training and competition, and a substantial risk of ... -
Affected by movement: A qualitative exploration of 10-year-old children’s experiences from a school-based physical activity intervention
(Doctoral thesis, 2018)The theme of the thesis is children’s movement in school and the focus is on the children and children’s own ways of moving – alone and together with others. Questions that guide the process address variations of children’s ... -
After a decade of the Delaware-Oslo ACL Cohort treatment algorithm: Measurement properties and outcomes after reconstruction or rehabilitation alone for anterior cruciate ligament injury
(Doctoral thesis, 2024)Introduction: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are either treated surgically with ACL reconstruction (ACLR) or nonsurgically with rehabilitation alone. High-quality literature is sparse but shows similar long-term ... -
Altitude and endurance athletes : effects of acute and chronic hypoxic exposure
(Doctoral thesis, 2008)“How does altitude affect performance"? This question has been asked by athletes, coaches and sport scientists for many years. Most of the current interest in altitude and altitude training can be traced back to the 1968 ... -
Anaerobic conditioning of soccer players: the evaluation of different anaerobic training methods on soccer player's physical performance
(Doctoral thesis, 2015)Background: High performance in soccer depends on various physical qualities and skills, including tactical and technical skills as the two most import factors that contribute to success. These skills could be more important ... -
Anti-doping as solidarity: A philosophical inquiry into anti-doping in elite sport
(Doctoral thesis, 2020)Doping in elite sport is commonly understood as a moral problem. In line with this view, antidoping work is set out to protect ‘clean’ athletes and ‘the spirit of sport’ from individual athletes’ and accomplices’ lack of ... -
Anti-doping in sport : a study of policy development since 1998
(Doctoral thesis, 2009)The aim of this study is to analyze in a systematic and critical way the many more or less interconnected processes shaping anti-doping work at different levels since the doping scandal in the Tour de France cycle race in ... -
Aspiring leaders at sport events: Perception and enactment of leadership
(Doctoral thesis, 2022)The empirical context for this dissertation is leadership in sport and particularly leadership at sport events, within the academic research field of sport management. This dissertation aims to analyse aspiring leaders in ... -
The associations of physical activity, sedentary time, and aerobic fitness with lipoprotein particle profile in children
(Doctoral thesis, 2020)Introduction: Metabolomics can elucidate the metabolites and pathways of human metabolism. Its application in epidemiological studies promises to improve our understanding of health and its connection to lifestyle behaviours, ... -
Asthma and exercise : climatic effects upon exersice-induced bronchoconstriction and exercise capacity in asthmatic subjects
(Doctoral thesis, 2008)The present thesis consists of five studies with the main objective to investigate the effect of different climatic conditions upon exercise capacity and exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) in subjects with diagnosed ... -
Bicycling in the right direction? : Two systematic literature reviews with meta-analyses of cycling and cardiovascular disease, followed by national correlates of commuter cycling and the presentation of a novel bike tra c index to describe trends in cycling over the years.
(Doctoral thesis, 2021)Background: The world population needs to be more physically active. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the leading causes of death and can be prevented by physical activity. Cycling as transportation may be a means ... -
Breaking - that's me!: meaning, identity, gender constructions among young break(danc)ers living in Oslo, Norway
(Doctoral thesis, 2017)In a rapidly changing world characterized by increased ethnic diversity, successful integration depends (among other factors) on social interaction among people. Hence, there is a need for cross-cultural meeting points. ... -
Caffeine and endurance performance in athletes
(Doctoral thesis, 2017)This thesis consists of five studies with additional unpublished results where the aim was to examine the effects of caffeine (CAF) ingestion on factors considered determining for endurance sport performance and fatigue. ... -
Cardiometabolic risk factors in children: reference values, association with cardiorespiratory fitness and effects of the Active Smarter Kids (ASK) physical activity intervention
(Doctoral thesis, 2020)Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of disease-related morbidity and global mortality among adults (1, 2). In children, a clinical manifestation of CVD is not present, but studies have shown that atherosclerosis ... -
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing in health and disease: cardiorespiratory fitness in adults in Norway and in lung cancer patients undergoing surgery
(Doctoral thesis, 2015)Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) is used to quantify an individual’s exercise capacity and is recognized as the main variable for measurement during cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET). There are limited reference values ... -
Cardiorespiratory fitness and cardiovascular disease risk factors in children : effects of a two-year school-based daily physical activityintervention : The Sogndal school-intervention study
(Doctoral thesis, 2010)Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in the Western world. Several studies have shown that the pathological processes of atherosclerosis begin in childhood and progress throughout life. Consequently, ... -
Cardiorespiratory, hematological and body composition changes in maturing girls and boys with different training backgrounds
(Doctoral thesis, 2020)This thesis is based on one longitudinal study, monitoring a group of children from age 12 to age 15. The main objective was to establish the association between growth, maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), hematological variables ...