Norges idrettshøgskole: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 3538
Fysiologiske og antropometriske krav ved langvarig marsj for vernepliktige: Sammenheng mellom fysisk form, antropometri og kjønn på 20 km marsj med påfølgende test av kognitiv funksjon
(Master thesis, 2024)Hensikt: Hensikten med denne masteroppgaven var å kartlegge fysiologiske og antropometriske variabler som påvirker vernepliktiges evne til å fullføre en 20km marsj i et forhåndsbestemt tempo. Videre ønsket vi å undersøke ... -
Accuracy of Computer Vision in estimating hip and knee flexion angle during squats and anterior lunges: An experimental methodological study
(Master thesis, 2024)Aim: Recently there have been an increase of companies using Computer Vison (CV) in managing treatment of patients with hip and knee osteoarthritis (OA). With this in mind, the objective of this study was to evaluate the ... -
Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury, and the Association with Cardiovascular Risk: A cross – sectional study
(Master thesis, 2024)Introduction: Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a life-altering condition, disrupting the neural transmission, leading to paralysis and sensory loss, which makes them prone to a physically inactive and sedentary lifestyle. Low ... -
Forskjell i fysiologisk respons, opplevd anstrengelse og intensitetsdistribuering mellom intervalltrening på rulleski innendørs og utendørs: En sammenligning av gjennomføringen ved to like øktmodeller
(Master thesis, 2024)Bakgrunn: Studier som har sammenlignet utholdenhetstrening inne og ute har demonstrert forskjell i fysiologiske og perseptuelle responser, samt intensitetsdistribuering mellom økter med tilsvarende målsetting eller ... -
Effect of endurance training on blood variables and maximal oxygen uptake: An 8-week intervention study on untrained subjects
(Master thesis, 2024)Aim: To investigate how blood variables and maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) adapt to 8-weeks of endurance training in a group of untrained subjects and compare the findings with a group of endurance trained subjects. The ... -
Strength as a determine of performance in an interval and steady state protocol in highly trained cross-country cyclists
(Master thesis, 2024)Purpose: To investigate the correlation between strength and time to exhaustion in an interval and steady state protocol in highly trained cross-country cyclists. Method: Fifteen highly trained male cross-country ... -
Bronchial hyperresponsiveness and asthma in former elite skiers: A longitudinal prospective study investigating the changes in the prevalence of bronchial hyperresponsiveness and asthma from active career to retirement from elite sports amongst cross-country skiers, biathletes and Nordic combined skiers
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven er klausulert, og er IKKE TILGJENGELIG før juni 2027. -
The effect of a blade tenderized steak, infused with hydrolyzed proteins on amino acid kinetics in young and elderly men and women
(Master thesis, 2024)Background: Sarcopenia is the age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass, which is believed to be, at least partly, caused by anabolic resistance due to changes in amino acid (AA) kinetics after ingestion of proteins. Aging ... -
The effect of a six-month upper body highload resistance training intervention on maximal strength in wheelchair users
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven er klausulert, og er IKKE TILGJENGELIG før juni 2025. -
Effect of endurance training on the fractional utilization of VO2max in untrained subjects
(Master thesis, 2024)Introduction: Within endurance-trained subjects, short term endurance training is assumed to have minor impact on fractional utilisation of maximal oxygen consumption (%VO2max), and systematic endurance training over years ... -
Oxygen utilization during loaded marching: The effect of external load on oxygen utilization during marching in Norwegian Army recruits
(Master thesis, 2024)Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate how external load affects oxygen uptake during submaximal exercise in male and female conscripts in the Norwegian Army, as well as exploring potential sex differences. ... -
A performance analysis of jumps in the speed disciplines of alpine ski racing
(Master thesis, 2024)Purpose: This study aimed to examine the relationship between take-off angle, take-off speed, landing hill angle to the flight length, in the speed disciplines, among World Cup athletes. Additionally, this study also ... -
Exploring the Impact of Pacing on Physiological and Perceptual Responses in High Intensity Interval Training
(Master thesis, 2024)Purpose: To investigate the acute physiological effects and perceptual responses between fast-start (FS), even-strategy (ES) and slow-start (SS) pacing during a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) session. Methods: ... -
Effekten av kondisjonstrening på kreftrelatert fatigue og helserelatert livskvalitet hos langtidsoverlevere av brystkreft: En randomisert kontrollert studie
(Master thesis, 2024)Bakgrunn: Høyere forekomst av brystkreft og bedre overlevelsesrate har bidratt til økt prevalens av brystkreftoverlevere. En av de vanligste og mest plagsomme seneffektene etter brystkreft er fatigue. Kreft-relatert fatigue ... -
Interactive intervention on fitness instructors’’ knowledge and confidence in handling cases of Low Energy Availability and Disordered Eating among Norwegian fitness center members: A pilot study to investigate the feasibility and effect of a short intervention on fitness instructors’' level of knowledge and perceived ability to manage low energy availability (LEA), relative energy deficiency in sport (REDs), disordered eating (DE) and eating disorders (ED).
(Master thesis, 2024)Background: The literature suggests that individuals with disordered eating (DE) and eating disorder (ED) tend to gravitate towards venues for physical activity and exercise. Numerous studies have consistently shown a ... -
Nye øvelser som utfordrer Copenhagen Adduction Exercise (CAE) hos kvinnelige fotballspillere: En gjennomførbarhetsstudie
(Master thesis, 2024)Bakgrunn: Kvinners deltakelse i fotball øker globalt, til tross for dette er kunnskapen begrenset og det er et særlig behov for mer forskning på lyskeskader som er blant de hyppigste skadene i kvinnefotballen. Copenhagen ... -
Comparison of the effects of isokinetic strength training with eccentric overload versus traditional strength training: A randomized controlled trial
(Master thesis, 2024)Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the effects of isokinetic strength training with eccentric overload (ISTEO) using the 1080 Quantum Syncro (Quantum) versus traditional strength training (TST) on maximal ... -
Sammenhengen mellom endring i maksimal frivillig ventilasjon (MVV), ekspiratorisk nitrogenoksid (FeNO) og anstrengelsesutløst bronkial konstriksjon (EIB) hos Norsemanutøvere: En prospektiv observasjonsstudie
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven er klausulert, og er IKKE TILGJENGELIG før juni 2027. -
Comparing low and high-intensity physical activity breaks to sedentary behavior: Effects on postprandial glucose and insulin metabolism in inactive adults: A randomized crossover study
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven er klausulert, og er IKKE TILGJENGELIG før juni 2029. -
Den akutte effekten av å avbryte sedat atferd med fysisk aktivitet med lav og høy intensitet på postprandialt triglyserid hos sedate inaktive voksne: En randomisert kontrollert crossoverstudie
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven er klausulert, og er IKKE TILGJENGELIG før juni 2029.