• Dedikerte lærere med bål på timeplanen i videregående skole 

      Abelsen, Kristian; Leirhaug, Petter Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Bålet har en sentral plass i norsk friluftsliv, og bålet inngår ofte når friluftsliv står på timeplanen i norske skoler. Hvordan det arbeides med bål, hvorfor og hva bålet faglig skal bidra med, er det mindre kunnskap om. ...
    • Didactic sensitivity to children and place: a contribution to outdoor education cultures 

      Sanderud, Jostein Rønning; Gurholt, Kirsti Pedersen; Moe, Vegard Fusche (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      There is a tendency in European education policy to emphasise more and better deliberate learning outcomes. The tendency is criticised for taking an instrumental view of education [Biesta, G. (2010). Good education in an ...
    • Digital technology and networked spaces in outdoor education: Reflections upon presenting at an international webinar 

      van Kraalingen, Imre; Hills, Dave; Reed, Jack; Beames, Simon; Munge, Brendon (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      This paper draws on a webinar on digital technology and networked spaces in outdoor education, where three researchers presented their work through responses to two discussion statements: First, ‘the use of digital technology ...
    • Friluftslivslærarar sin profesjonskunnskap om konfliktfylt samspel på tur med friluftslivsklassar 

      Tronstad, Inger Margrethe; Leirhaug, Petter Erik; Lyngstad, Idar Kristian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Denne artikkelen undersøker erfaringar og profesjonskunnskap friluftslivslærarar har med konfliktfylt samspel på tur. Studien undersøker også kva som kan kome ut av sosiale konfliktsituasjonar på friluftslivsturar. Konteksten ...
    • The Jacket: Making sustainable clothing choices in outdoor education 

      Beames, Simon; Høyem, Jannicke; van Kraalingen, Imre; Eriksen, Jørgen Weidemann; Vold, Thomas; Abelsen, Kristian; Rosenberg, Axel; Augestad, Trond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Amidst a vast jungle of products, brands, materials, labels, and systems of global trade and production, it has become increasingly challenging to make consumption choices that may be considered “sustainable”. This inquiry ...
    • Outdoor recreation-related outdoor education: scope of the research (1995-2010) 2 

      Lynch, Philippa (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      This is part two of an article on the scope of the New Zealand outdoor recreation-related outdoor education research published from January 1995 to June 2010. It draws on the literature covered the 2010 Sport and Recreation ...
    • Outdoor recreation-related outdoor education: scope of the research (1995-2010) I 

      Lynch, Philippa (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      This article reports on the scope of the New Zealand outdoor recreationrelated outdoor education research literature published from January 1995 to June 2010. It draws on the literature covered by the 2010 Sport and ...
    • A systematized review of the use of mobile technology in outdoor learning 

      van Kraalingen, Imre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      This inquiry reports the findings of a systematized review of recent studies concerning the affordances associated with implementing mobile technology in outdoor learning. The emergent employment of mobile technologies in ...
    • Theorizing technological mediation in the outdoor classroom 

      van Kraalingen, Imre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Situated within the context of the changing nature of teaching and learning in a postdigital context, this paper aims to theorize the mediating impacts of mobile technologies on outdoor learning experiences. Technological ...
    • Vurdering i kroppsøving for livslang friluftslivsglede 

      Abelsen, Kristian; Leirhaug, Petter Erik; Mandelid, Mathias Brekke (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Friluftsliv og vurdering i kroppsøving står fram som utfordrande å innfri etter Læreplan for Kunnskapsløftet 2006 sine intensjonar. Denne studien undersøker korleis fem lærarar beskriv vurderingsarbeid etter å ha gjennomført ...
    • Where’s the E in OE?: The McDonaldization of Irish outdoor education 

      Pierce, John; Beames, Simon (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      This paper presents key findings from a study that aimed to critically examine the practice of outdoor education in the Republic of Ireland. It consisted of 10 months of fieldwork across four public Outdoor Education and ...
    • ‘Winter children’ : an ethnographically inspired study of children being-and-becoming well-versed in snow and ice 

      Sanderud, Jostein Rønning; Gurholt, Kirsti Pedersen; Moe, Vegard Fusche (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      For many children living in Northern and mountainous regions of the world, playing in snow is enticing and connotes childhood for many adults. Even so, researchers have paid little attention to children’s play in/with snow ...