Cultural and gender differences in perceived outdoor activities: cross-cultural comparison between Russia and the UK
Outdoor education is one of the rapidly developing areas nowadays. However, it is introduced in a limited number of countries; the associated literature is primarily in English. Nevertheless, being in the outdoors and experiencing a landscape is a universal activity. Therefore, this thesis is devoted to finding out cultural and gender differences in perceiving outdoor activities through the example of British and Russian Internet forums and to indicating possible implications of these differences for outdoor guides working with representatives of these cultures.
The first part of the paper is devoted to the theoretical overview of the problem, providing necessary definitions and currently existing points of view in the academia. It is followed by the part devoted to research methodology where main research methods are explained and the thesis outline is provided.
The second half of the thesis presents the results of an empirical research study, conducted using the latent sematic analysis method. The third chapter is dedicated to the results of the study and a brief analysis of each subgroup (Russian males, Russian females, British males, British females) including a summarising diagram to each of them. The last chapter is devoted to interpretations of the results and to the discussion on cultural and gender differences in experiencing the outdoors.
The research has shown that although gender differences in perceiving outdoor activities and landscapes within the Russian and the British discourses have been found, they seem to be culturally bound. Therefore, gender is a cultural construct and gender differences are stimulated by and generated within a certain culture, whereas cultural differences can be found in the overall purpose of going on a trip and one’s focus during the journey. Three dissimilarities regarding the focus of attention and the meaning of the former to outdoor practitioners are explained and given possible interpretations.Outdoor education is one of the rapidly developing areas nowadays. However, it is introduced in a limited number of countries; the associated literature is primarily in English. Nevertheless, being in the outdoors and experiencing a landscape is a universal activity. Therefore, this thesis is devoted to finding out cultural and gender differences in perceiving outdoor activities through the example of British and Russian Internet forums and to indicating possible implications of these differences for outdoor guides working with representatives of these cultures. The first part of the paper is devoted to the theoretical overview of the problem, providing necessary definitions and currently existing points of view in the academia. It is followed by the part devoted to research methodology where main research methods are explained and the thesis outline is provided. The second half of the thesis presents the results of an empirical research study, conducted using the latent sematic analysis method. The third chapter is dedicated to the results of the study and a brief analysis of each subgroup (Russian males, Russian females, British males, British females) including a summarising diagram to each of them. The last chapter is devoted to interpretations of the results and to the discussion on cultural and gender differences in experiencing the outdoors. The research has shown that although gender differences in perceiving outdoor activities and landscapes within the Russian and the British discourses have been found, they seem to be culturally bound. Therefore, gender is a cultural construct and gender differences are stimulated by and generated within a certain culture, whereas cultural differences can be found in the overall purpose of going on a trip and one’s focus during the journey. Three dissimilarities regarding the focus of attention and the meaning of the former to outdoor practitioners are explained and given possible interpretations. The topic and the findings of the research study are pioneer for the academia and could serve as a basis for further discussion.
Masteroppgave - Norges idrettshøgskole, 2014