Networks in the local sport sector: Who is linked to whom, and what does it mean?: A social network analysis of one Norwegian municipality
Inter-organizational relationships are one way for sport organizations to gain resources, increase organizational capacity, and potentially have influence on others. As such, investigating how stakeholders in the local sport sector are connected is one way to understand actions, challenges, and possibilities in the Norwegian sport delivery system. The present study identifies stakeholder networks in the local sport sector and contribute to the understanding of how network structure has significance on the actors involved in terms of capacity, and power and influence. The study has a quantitative design, using one Norwegian municipality as the point of departure. Data was generated from 30 questionnaires (conducted as structured telephone interviews), including participants from clubs and subgroups, the local sport council, and the public authorities within the municipality, as well as the regional sport body in the current county. This data served as basis for doing a social network analysis.
Masteroppgave - Norges idrettshøgskole, 2018