Do Worksite Health Promotion Programs (WHPP) impact presenteeism among employees?: How is the concept of presenteeism defined? - What factors influence presenteeism? - Which WHPP impact presenteeism?
Background: Implementation of worksite health promotion programs (WHPP) aiming at improving wellbeing and productivity while reducing presenteeism and productivity losses are rapidly increasing. However, lack of a common conceptual understanding and theoretical framework, makes effective programs still difficult to recommend.
Aims: This literature research was done to further increase our knowledge and identify the most important causes and correlates of presenteeism by qualitatively summarising the extant research. The concept of presenteeism, how it is defined, its influencing factors on individual, organisational and managerial level, and what kind of impact WHPP have on presenteeism among employees are investigated.
Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted by searching relevant literature in seven different databases The main search-terms were combinations of “worksite, health promotion, organizational intervention, WHPP, presenteeism, employee productivity“. We included only peer-reviewed articles and only reviews. Included studies were analysed according to research questions and methodological quality. Scientific literature reviews from 2010 until summer 2019 was searched. 2139 articles were identified after removing duplicates, and when filtered the articles with a set of inclusion and exclusion criteria 14 articles were picked and investigated in depth to answer the scientific research question.
Results: Out of 2139 eligible studies, 14 review studies were included in the analysis. 93% of the studies described the concept presenteeism, however in different ways. 54% focused productivity loss due to reduced health conditions or unhealthy lifestyle, 31% focused the productivity dimension as a work related outcome, 15% reported on the economic consequences of productivity loss.
Conclusions: The last 10 years the development in the field has been positive. An overview emerges, but there is a considerable focus on the individual level, which probably relates to simple solutions on interventions bringing us no further, but reinforce "blaming the victim". The field of presenteeism is complex and multileveled. The results of this review show promising findings; reinforcement of interventions to be multi-component and implemented multilevel in order to be sustainable and up-scaled from project to operation. A culture must be created for such programs to sustain - i.e. implemented into business plans, strategies and into the companies' operating budget.
Masteroppgave - Norges idrettshøgskole, 2020