Sport, race and gender: the experiences of black Norwegian athletes
In this study, I explored how racism and marginalization in Norwegian sport are experienced by black Norwegian athletes. To accomplish this, I used the following research questions:
1. How are individual and institutional racism manifested in Norwegian organized sport?
2. What is the influence of gender on black athletes’ experiences of racism in Norwegian organized sport?
In the first chapter, I outline the background, aim and scope of the study and the literature review. In the second chapter, I present the central conceptual and theoretical frameworks used in the study. The concepts of race, racism and racialization are contextualized in relation to the ways I have utilized them. I also present the Critical Race Theory (CRT) and black feminism (BF) theories that have been the main theoretical frameworks for this study. In chapter 3, I discuss the qualitative methodological approaches and the ways I utilized these approaches during different phases of planning, data collection and analysis. I also discuss how the theoretical frameworks of CRT and BF have informed my approaches to the different stages in the conduction of this study. In the fourth chapter, I summarize and discuss the major findings of the study and the theoretical implications. In the final chapter, I present concluding thoughts and avenues for future research. Paper I: Tatt ut av filen i Brage p.g.a. copyright-restriksjoner. / Not in the file in Brage because of copyright issues. Paper II: Massao, P. B., Fasting, K. (2014). Mapping race, class and gender: Experiences from black Norwegian athletes. European Journal for Sport and Society 2014, 11(4), 331–352. Paper III: Massao, P. B. (under revision). Speaking about and from the margin: Racism and antiracism narratives in Norwegian sport. Ethnic and Racial Studies Journal. Paper IV: Massao, P. B. (under revision). Sport, race and Norwegian identity: When are black athletes Norwegians? Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media Politics.
Avhandling (doktorgrad) - Norges idrettshøgskole, 2016