Motivation and physical activity in individuals with severe mental illness
There is increasing evidence for physical activity having a positive impact on physical and mental health, as well as on illness symptoms in individuals with severe mental illness (SMI). However, individuals with SMI experience several barriers related to physical activity that makes it difficult for them to take advantage of the benefits associated with physical activity. One barrier consistently reported to impede physical activity is related to motivational issues. Targeting motivation has therefore been highlighted as a key in order to facilitate increased physical activity engagement. Thus, the main aim of the current thesis was to increase the knowledge about motivation for physical activity among individuals with SMI. Paper I: Farholm, A., Sørensen, M. (2016). Motivation for physical activity and exercise in severe mental illness: A systematic review of intervention studies. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 25, 194-205. Paper II: Farholm, A., Sørensen, M. (2016). Motivation for physical activity and exercise in severe mental illness: A systematic review of cross-sectional studies. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 25, 116-126. Paper III: Farholm, A., Sørensen, M., Halvari, H., Hynnekleiv, T. (Under review). Physical activity, motivation, apathy, and functioning in inhabitants with mental illness from a rural municipality: A cross-sectional study. Paper IV: Farholm, A., Sørensen, M., Halvari, H. (2016). Motivational factors associated with physical activity and quality of life in people with severe mental illness. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. doi: 10.1111/scs.12413. Paper V: Farholm, A., & Sørensen, M. (Manuscript). Increasing physical activity in patients at a psychiatric hospital through implementing a short educational intervention among staff: A feasibility study.
Avhandling (doktorgrad) - Norges idrettshøgskole, 2017