Browsing Norges idrettshøgskole by Title
Now showing items 1193-1212 of 3710
FA Women´s Super League players` nonverbal behaviors in match: A descriptive analysis of 173 women football players in the 2021/22 season
(Master thesis, 2022)Background: Psychological abilities is emerging as one the most important attributes for successful football players (Haugaasen & Jordet, 2012). However, extended research on players` nonverbal behavior (NVB) in sport is ... -
Facilitating sustainable outcomes for the organization of youth sports through youth engagement
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The aim of this study was to explore how a youth sport development programme in connection with a major event may facilitate sustainable outcomes for the organization of youth sports in Norway. The context of the study ... -
Facilitators and barriers for implementation of a load management intervention in football
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background: In a recent randomised controlled trial, we found that a commonly used training load management approach was not effective in preventing injuries and illnesses in Norwegian elite youth footballers. Aim: To ... -
Factors affecting cadence choice during submaximal cycling and cadence influence on performance
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2009-03)Cadence choice during cycling has been of considerable interest among cyclists, coaches, and researchers for nearly 100 years. The present review examines and summarizes the current knowledge of factors affecting the freely ... -
Factors associated with additional anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and register comparison: a systematic review on the Scandinavian knee ligament registers
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Objective: To present an overview of the Scandinavian knee ligament registers with regard to factors associated with additional ACL reconstruction, and studies comparing the Scandinavian registers with other knee ligament ... -
Factors associated with aerobic fitness in adolescents with asthma
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Background: In adolescents with asthma, information on factors associated with cardiorespiratory fitness levels is limited. The present study aimed to determine if objectively measured physical activity as well as potential ... -
Factors associated with physical activity in young people with haemophilia A on prophylaxis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Introduction: Physical activity (PA) is influenced by numerous factors, and the literature describing why people with haemophilia (PWH) are physically active or not is inconclusive. Aims: To investigate factors associated ... -
Factors influencing the implementation of the EuroFIT lifestyle change program in professional football clubs in Europe: A qualitative study in four European countries
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This paper investigated facilitators and barriers to implementing the European Football Fans in Training program (EuroFIT) in professional sports clubs in England, the Netherlands, Norway, and Portugal. We analyzed qualitative ... -
Factors that affect patient reported outcome after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction-a systematic review of the Scandinavian knee ligament registers
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Objective: To perform a systematic review of findings from the Scandinavian knee ligament registers with regard to factors that affect patient reported outcome after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Design: ... -
Fagfornyelsen i kroppsøving – et mindre idrettsrettet fag?: En kvalitativ studie om hvordan undervisningspraksisen til kroppsøvingslærere på videregående skole påvirkes av fagfornyelsen.
(Master thesis, 2023)Hensikten med denne studien har vært å undersøke hvordan undervisnings- og vurderingspraksisen til et utvalg kroppsøvingslærere på videregående skoler blir påvirket av fagfornyelsen. Oppgaven undersøker også hvordan ... -
‘Fair play’ as a larger loyalty: The case of anti-doping
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This paper explores a redescription of ‘fair play’ as loyalty. Focusing on the context of elite sport and the case of anti-doping, the paper develops an adaptation of Richard Rorty’s call to dispense with the opposition ... -
“Fake it or hide it till you make it”: A thematic analysis of hiding techniques in physical education among students in secondary school
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Some students find engaging in physical education (PE) problematic or undesirable to the extent that it makes them adopt strategies to avoid taking part, also known as hiding techniques. There is a need to get a deeper ... -
Faktorer som påvirker maksimal køllehodehastighet hos elitespillere i golf
(Master thesis, 2009)Slaglengde er en viktig del av prestasjonen i golf. For å kunne slå ballen langt kreves høy køllehodehastighet. Mye av den tidligere litteraturen over viktige faktorer for høy køllehodehastighet bygger på studier av ... -
'... far to the north' : geography and football in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009-05)From an international football perspective football in Norway may be considered as a 'different sort of country'. This essay concerns itself with the tension between the interest in football in Norway and the geographical ... -
Fast regulation of the NF-κB signalling pathway in human skeletal muscle revealed by high-intensity exercise and ischaemia at exhaustion: Role of oxygenation and metabolite accumulation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The NF-κB signalling pathway plays a critical role in inflammation, immunity, cell proliferation, apoptosis, and muscle metabolism. NF-κB is activated by extracellular signals and intracellular changes in Ca2+, Pi, H+, ... -
Fast track hip fracture care and mortality – an observational study of 2230 patients
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Background: Hip fracture patients are frail and have a high mortality. We investigated whether the introduction of fast track care reduced the 30-day mortality after hip fractures. Methods: Fast track hip fracture care was ... -
Fast-girls, babes and the invisible girls: gender relations in snowboarding
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009-12)The purpose of this essay is to examine gender relations in snowboarding through conceptions and experiences articulated by female participants. The main objective is to focus on relations between female and male snowboarders ... -
Fat-free mass mediates the association between birth weight and aerobic fitness in youth
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-06)Objective: To investigate whether birth weight acts as a biological determinant of later aerobic fitness, and whether fat free mass may mediate this association. Methods: The European Youth Heart Study (EYHS) is a ... -
Få ting er mer usikkert enn et skirenn: en studie av arbeidsmetodikken i Holmenkollmarsjens arbeidsutvalg sett i lys av teori om påpasselige organisasjoner
(Master thesis, 2014)Denne studien har hatt som mål å undersøke hvordan arbeidsutvalget som står bak Holmenkollmarsjen arbeider for å oppnå et vellykket arrangement. Studien har forsøkt å belyse i hvor stor grad arbeidsmetodikken i ... -
Fått som fortjent?: læreres setting av standpunktkarakter i kroppsøvingsfaget i videregående skole når innsats er en del av vurderingsgrunnlaget
(Master thesis, 2016-08-23)Dette er en masteroppgave i idrettsvitenskap ved Seksjon for kroppsøving og pedagogikk, Norges idrettshøgskole. Temaet for oppgaven er vurdering i kroppsøving i videregående skole. Studiens hensikt er å belyse hvordan ...